Puffer News — July 19

Puffer Finance
5 min read1 day ago


Ahoy Puffer Family! Welcome to your premier source for all things Puffer! 🌊

Submerge yourself in the latest updates, partnerships, and breakthroughs, staying fully informed about the exciting advancements in your favorite native Liquid Restaking Protocol and the next-gen Based Rollup solution!

Let’s navigate through the recent happenings at Puffer 👇

Introducing Puffer’s UniFi: Our Unified Approach to Ethereum’s Fragmentation 🐡🕶️

We are thrilled to introduce Puffer’s UniFi, a Based Rollup crafted to address the fragmentation of Ethereum, enhance the flow of value back to Ethereum’s Layer 1, and ensure credibly neutral transaction sequencing.

UniFi represents a pivotal step towards a more unified and efficient blockchain ecosystem, improving the overall user experience conducive to mass adoption.

Explore the UniFi Litepaper and More: Dive into the detailed mechanics and innovative features of UniFi through our newly published litepaper. For those seeking a more digestible overview, we’ve got you covered with a series of engaging teaser tweets and a summarized version on our official blog. These resources are designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of how Puffer’s UniFi works.

Get Ready for Chapter 5 of the Crunchy Carrot Campaign: As UniFi sets the stage for enhanced interoperability and user experience, stay tuned for the upcoming Chapter 5 of the Crunchy Carrot Campaign. This upcoming phase is not just another step forward — it’s a leap into a new ecosystem brimming with opportunities to earn Puffer Points and dive into novel experiences!

Spotlight on Puffer at ETHCC: Charting the Course for Ethereum’s Future

At this year’s ETHCC in Brussels, Puffer was prominently represented by core contributors Amir Forouzani and Jason Vranek, who participated in a series of enlightening discussions that centered around the advancement and development of the Ethereum ecosystem. Engaging with industry pioneers such as Justin Drake, Drew Van der Werff, and teams from Consensys, EigenLayer, and several other key players in the Ethereum ecosystem, they shared valuable insights and strategic visions.

Amir on the stage at AVS Day, hosted by Consensys and EigenLayer

Unified Vision for Ethereum: The discussions led by our team underscored Puffer’s dedication to fostering a unified Layer 2 landscape, envisioned to operate seamlessly as one cohesive unit. “Imagining L2s working as one,” Jason highlighted, this approach aims to dissolve the current barriers of liquidity and usability that fragment the ecosystem.

Innovative Rollup Solutions: A significant highlight from ETHCC was the introduction of Puffer’s innovative Based Rollup solution, UniFi, which promises to redefine the interaction between L2s and Ethereum’s main chain. “Next stop for Puffer is launching a whole-based rollup, which will allow validators to work on sequencing and drive revenue back to restaking. This will be a positive shift for rollups in general, allowing more value to fall back to L1,” Jason explained during one of the sessions.

Decentralization and Validator Opportunities: With the launch of UniFi, Puffer reinforces its commitment to decentralization. “At Puffer, we care about decentralization,” Amir asserted, emphasizing the potential for validators to take on a more integral role as sequencers within this new architecture, thus broadening their impact and revenue potential in the Ethereum network. “Validators can opt to become sequencers of the base rollups,” he added, detailing how this role expansion supports our decentralization ethos.

Addressing Misconceptions and Future Outlook: Amid discussions, Amir addressed some common misconceptions about UniFi. “You might think Puffer UniFi is just another L2, but it’s not. The fact is, Puffer UniFi is something else that will solve many problems that exist today on Ethereum,” he clarified, underscoring the unique aspects of Puffer’s approach. Reflecting on the path forward, Amir humorously remarked, “The future is bright, that’s why we need sunglasses,” capturing the optimistic outlook for Puffer and the Ethereum ecosystem at large.

Jason’s sharing Puffer’s plan on solving liquidity fragmentation at Encode’s Restaking Day

Puffer’s Based Sequencing VIP Dinner

The highlight at this year’s ETHCC was the Based Sequencing VIP Dinner hosted by the Puffer team on July 7th. This exclusive gathering brought together over 30 attendees, including co-founders and representatives from major protocols like UniSwap, ENS, Gauntlet, and Nethermind. The dinner provided a platform for deep discussions about all things Based Rollups and Pre-confirmations.

The evening kicked off with a keynote presentation by Amir on Puffer’s UniFi, followed by engaging panel discussions featuring industry experts such as Justin Drake from the Ethereum Foundation. These discussions tackled both the excitement and skepticism currently surrounding pre-confirmations, with multiple Q&A sessions allowing the audience to interact directly with the panelists.

The event concluded with a networking session, where attendees had the opportunity to connect over drinks, further discussing the potential impacts and future applications of Based Rollups in the cryptosphere.

Amir, Justin, Drew and other panelists picked on the spot!

10 Million Puffer Points Up for Grabs!

As we’ve covered a lot about Puffer UniFi in this newsletter, we’ve also prepared a special gift for you! Dive into the world of UniFi and be rewarded! Discover how we’re unifying Ethereum by completing simple quests and seize your chance to share in the 10 MILLION PUFFER POINTS prize pool. The more quests you complete, the more points you earn. Start your journey and collect rewards on Galxe today!

NoOps Boosted Incentives

In conjunction with our Mainnet launch, Puffer is rolling out special incentives for our Node Operators (NoOps) to boost their participation and reward their contributions significantly.

Upon registering, a NoOp transfers ownership of 2 ETH worth of pufETH and at least 28 VTs to the PufferProtocol contract. The validators’ boosts are as follows:

  • 3x Boost for pufETH: 180 points per hour for 2 ETH
  • 3x Boost for VTs: 8.4 points per hour for 28 VTs

Remember to check out the blog announcement for further details.

Stay tuned for more updates on our Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. Happy puffing; get your sunglasses ready because the future is bright! 🐡🕶️

Puffer Finance is dedicated to supporting Ethereum’s roadmap, by introducing its Liquid Restaking solution and announcing Puffer’s latest product, UniFi, a Based Rollup designed to solve Ethereum’s liquidity fragmentation. These initiatives are built from the ground up to improve the overall user experience, support Ethereum’s decentralization efforts and contribute to the long term sustainability of the ecosystem.



Puffer Finance

(Re)staking for little fish. 🐡 Earn while decentralizing Ethereum.