Sleep Deprivation and Driving: It is as Bad as Drunk Driving

Everybody knows that driving under the influence of alcohol can be fatal. But what if we told you that driving while sleep-deprived is just as dangerous?


A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals that one in three Americans consistently get less than the recommended 7–8 hours of sleep per night. And many of these people suffer from chronic sleep deprivation.

Sleep Deprivation and Driving

Sleep is what lets us recharge both physically and mentally after a long day. Sleep deprivation has physical, mental and emotional effects on our bodies. When we are sleep deprived, we often feel fatigued and even light-headed, we are not able to concentrate, think clearly and make decisions quickly.

If your brain didn’t get adequate rest, your reaction times will be slower and your ability to focus diminished.

It’s imperative to become aware of the dangers of sleep deprivation, learn to recognize when you’re sleep-deprived and learn strategies to avoid driving in those circumstances.

The Dangers of Driving While Sleep-deprived

It sounds innocuous enough to drive early morning to work after a sleepless night or rush home after a sleepless night and a long day at work. We all do that sometimes.

However, studies show that the effect of sleep deprivation on our cognitive and motor functioning is very similar to the effect of alcohol.

One study discovered that if you drive after 17 hours without sleep, your performance is as bad as driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05 percent.

If you get up at 7 in the morning, stay awake throughout the day, go out at night and then drive home at midnight, that is exactly the situation of driving after 17 hours without sleep. In other words, even if you didn’t drink a drop of alcohol at that party, your driving is affected as if you had.

Just like drunk-driving, driving while sleep deprived is not only your personal problem. Drowsy driving is known to be a leading cause of motor vehicle accidents, so if you’re driving while sleep-deprived be aware that you are endangering not only yourself but other people as well.

How to Avoid Driving While Sleep-deprived

Life happens and sometimes you just don’t get enough sleep no matter how hard you try.

It’s important to both recognize how to avoid driving while sleep-deprived, and what to do if you find yourself on the road in that state. Turning up the volume of the radio will not make you more alert.

There are better ways to do it:

- Consistent Sleep Schedule

Try to get the full 7–8 hours of sleep every night. This is important every night but is particularly important before a night of a long drive.

Try to go to bed at the same time every night if you can, and develop a relaxing bedtime routine if you have trouble falling asleep (e.g. herbal tea, book, meditation, hot bath are all things that can help).

- Have a Driving Buddy

If you’re going for a long drive, avoid doing it alone. Bring a buddy with you and take turns driving.

Avoid driving late at night as you’re more likely to be drowsy then.

- Take a Nap

If you’re too drowsy while you’re at the wheel, consider pulling over at a rest stop and taking a short nap.

Drinking a cup of coffee and having a short nap right after will boost the effect of both the coffee and the nap. The effect of caffeine on your body peaks in about 30–45 minutes after consumption.

- Make Changes in Your Bedroom

Making a few changes in your sleeping environment at home can have a significant effect on your sleep quality and will minimize the chances of sleep deprivation.

For example, many people underestimate the negative effects of sleeping on an inappropriate mattress. If your mattress is older than 8–10 years it might need to be replaced.

If you’re waking up with aches and pains or have trouble falling asleep then your mattress might be at fault.

Replacing your mattress can significantly improve our sleep quality. It’s well known that memory foam mattresses, in particular, are great at shaping around your body and thus letting you relax faster and fall asleep easier. Consider giving it a try.

About Puffy
Puffy is a California-based company founded on the idea of creating cloud mattresses and bedroom products that feel like sleeping on a cloud. Puffy has been featured on The Talk, and was recently awarded Best Mattress of 2021. For more information visit



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