“Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old: Week 14

…Pretend Play

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
3 min readApr 8, 2016


This kid ain’t no fool. (April.) She does know how to fool around and play though. My daughter’s pretend game is on point. (Yo.) Ariel, Minnie and all the little toys she plays with had no idea the level of drama they were in for.

Read what you’ve missed:

All of Quarter 1

Friday Apr 1

Daughter: I pine up bus.
Daddy: Pineapples?
Daughter: Ply nupbers.
Daddy: Oh… play numbers.

Saturday Apr 2

“Oh no, big mess!”

Sunday Apr 3

Daddy: Daddy take a nap?
Daughter: Daddy, wake up!

Monday Apr 4

(to Minnie) “How was your weekend?”

Tuesday Apr 5

“Haha. I laughing.”

Wednesday Apr 6

(as Barbie) “I go to work.”

Thursday Apr 7

“Beep beep” (playing elevator in closet)


Rave reviews from our parent/teacher conference this week. Our little diva in the making is playing, well… with others. (Punctuation!) I had a sense she was a star when other kids greet her most days by shouting her name as she makes her entrance. Ham.

If you’re happy and you know it,
and you really wanna show it…
hit the ♡ below.

[Editor’s post-script: Read the next in this series below]

Previously on “Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old:

Week 1: …The Musical!
Week 2: …The Variety Show
Week 3: …Pants by Sassy
Week 4: …Birthday, Another Day
Week 5: …Snow Week
Week 6: …Her 1st Show
Week 7: …Pink Hearts and PinkEye
Week 8: …And Grew and Grew
Week 9: … Mommy Special
Week 10: …Sun and Fun
Week 11: …Manners and Mommy v Daddy
Week 12: …Say “Ahh!”
Week 13: …Spring Ahead

