A Flair for the Dramatic

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 3-4

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


We made it! The star of this bi-weekly chronicle is officially 4 years old! Birthday: complete, Parties: successful, Checkup: healthy, Development: on track, Parents: willfully denying our little baby girl has grown up. I kid.

We are thankful, though, that we have not (seemingly) scarred her for life just yet. Actually, she may be the most well-adjusted person in this house. Just the other day, after I playfully pretended to walk off with a sad face, she followed me into the other room and said “Daddy, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.” 😮😭 That just, as she likes to say, “made my heart warm.”

She has a way of doing that every day. (She always has, though. See: the first part of my “I got you” story.) Thankfully, I’ve come a long way since those early days. I still have my off days and I’m still learning/ growing myself, but I’m confident in saying I’m a much better father than I was then. She 💯 helps.

In case you missed the first two weeks of this year’s “darndest things” my daughter has said, take a read back at A Personality: “Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 1–2.

