A Personality

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 1-2

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


Welcome back! So much has happened since “Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old, there’s no way I can possibly remember/retell it all now. So I’ll try to catch you up as we go.

Where to start? My daughter is every bit as hilarious as she was back then (read the highlights), now even more so. For new readers, I chronicle the best of what my daughter says on a daily basis and compile these “Pull Quotes” for your enjoyment, my personal reference and hopefully one day her utter embarrassment.

She does not merely have a personality, she IS a personality.

She sings, she dances (if you recall: mommy & I were both theatre majors, so this was almost inevitable). She doesn’t really play pretend so much as she directs, writes and stars in scenes from her upcoming film debut.

She is currently brimming with excitement over her upcoming 4th birthday weekend. This includes a Star Wars-themed party at the local kids gymnastics place with her besties from school and dance class, cousins and neighbors. That will be followed by a family gathering the next day and then the ever-popular cupcake celebration at school the day after.

If you missed it, I got her “okay” for this. Read a transcript here:

