A (not-so-) long time ago in a galaxy pretty, pretty near. . . .

Episode IV
The Preschooler Strikes Back

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
1 min readSep 18, 2017


It is a dark time for the Pull Quotes. Although the Terrible Twos have been destroyed, Preschool troops have driven the Pull Quote forces from their hidden base and pursued them across this prolonged Star Wars metaphor.

(Yes, I know Empire was Ep. V, but the play on numbers here is “4”.)

Finally got around to publishing Just the Quotes: Q4 roundup of all the remaining quotes from the end of last year. (Apologies it sat in Drafts this long → I have a toddler. But, it comes with good news…)

Official announcement: “Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old will return for a second season! (Think: HBO series that skips almost an entire year before it returns). I will be collecting new wondrous musings from the mouth of my soon-to-be 4 year old (updated logo and title to come).

Updating the format from the previous weekly posts to a more regular Medium series (get the mobile app!). Those words of wisdom and whimsy will then be collected into a bi-weekly post featuring photos, a recap of what she’s been up to and plenty of bonus treats.

Read and share all of season “2” + stay tuned for more updates throughout the end of this year.

💌 Daddy (aka Ernio)

