Just the Quotes: Q4

The fourth/final quarter of the year in “Pullquotes” of a 2 Year Old.

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


This is a collection of all my daughter’s quotes for October-December 2016 in one place. (So you have them.) For more details, visit the links for each week posted below. To review January-March quotes, see Just the Quotes: Q1. Those from April-June are viewable at Just the Quotes: Q2. And July-September can be found via Just the Quotes: Q3.

Friday Sep 30

“I want to go gym. Whose turn is it?”

Saturday Oct 1

Daddy: Can I have a hug?
Daughter: One second.

Sunday Oct 2

“Don’t kiss mommy… Kiss me!”

