The Pulpit Presents: All Rx

July Westhale
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2020


//Photo by Agto Nugroho on Unsplash

HHere we are, lovies. Fetching the bolt cutters, prepping for a week of retrogrades (check our tarotscopes from Dacia Holliday for how to deal).

This week is a big one, and our essays reflect that. We began with a powerful story by OKAY COOL that tackles a potentially unpopular opinion about cheating, “Finding Power in Infidelity”:

“And even to this day, I still wonder if everyone who has ever cheated on their partner thought of themselves, at some point, as the type of person who would never cheat. I wonder if they, too, held themselves up to a standard of being. What is the moment, or series of moments, that starts to distort their own sense of morality?

At what point does their desire to act out evolve from kindling, to a match, to a fire? And in that scorching hot moment when they feel their own desire burning on their face, what is it that they feel? Do they feel powerful, too?”

Next up is a considered essay about existential crisis and the pandemic, by yours truly — “If The Pandemic Is Hard For You, Consider That We’ve Never Been Taught Stillness”:

“Even in my grandest moments of self-reflection (which, for me, always come in the wise minutes of being wowed by something naturally gorgeous, or being in an unfamiliar city, preferably around a language I don’t understand), I am still…



July Westhale

co-founding executive editor of Writer, translator, professor, media roustabout. Gender queer (she/they).