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Pulse Q&A
An exclusive network for the world’s top IT Executives
Note from the editor

An exclusive network for the world’s top IT Executives

Go to the profile of Rahoooooool!
Director of Growth at Rise Inc. Advisor for growth to fastest growing startups in ME. https://rahullakhaney.com https://2017doneright.com.
Go to the profile of Rahul Lakhaney
Rahul Lakhaney
Director of growth @rise. CTO turned Growth Hacker.
Go to the profile of Rahul Lakhaney
Rahul Lakhaney
Director of growth @rise. CTO turned Growth Hacker.
Go to the profile of Ras Gill-Boulos
Ras Gill-Boulos
Ras Gill-Boulos is the Chief Marketing Officer at Pulse. She’s a Wharton MBA, former Boston Consulting Group Strategist and Chief of Staff at Ariel Investments.
Go to the profile of Pulse