Ankit over the Orphan’s Pass

G. G. Bailey
Pure Fiction
Published in
23 min readMar 31, 2023


Book Cover — Ankit over the Orphan’s Pass — A figure holding a club stands facing a road into the mountains, 2 moons in the sky.

Recommended: If you haven’t done so, read Ankit and the Uncle of Refuge and Ankit and the Champions first.

Part 1: The Low Villages

In the shallow pool at Ankit’s feet, a school of tiny brown fish swam about. He shifted his weight, causing them to dart away into shadowed waters. From his hiding place in the culvert under the bridge, he had been monitoring the road into Laslow Village for several hours. His boots and trousers were soaked through and the evening chill was penetrating what was left of the day’s warmth.

“It’s the same for everyone Halen.” A Village Guard explained while he searched an old lady’s motor carriage and trailer.

“But what’s it all about? I don’t have the time for you to be checking my veg’. It’s every morning and each eve’ that I pass by here!”

“I’ve already said. The Protectors from the city came into the Low villages last week, on the trail of fugitives. We’ve been keeping watch on the bridges and gates for them.”

“What’s that got to do with us?”

The Guard sighed, “I’m done.” He closed the lid of her trailer. “On your way.”

“I don’t have the time for this!” she added in frustration as she jumped back into the motor carriage.



G. G. Bailey
Pure Fiction

G.G. Bailey is the Curator of the Unarkida (4/665 – Present), the eternal archive of our world, Unara (an aspiring author of Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fiction). .