Purple Messenger Is New and We Are Looking for Writers

Here are our formatting and submission guidelines

Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi
Purple Messenger
4 min readNov 7, 2023


Image created by the author

Ladies, gentlemen, and every other person reading this,

Welcome to Purple Messenger.

Allow me to guide you through a step-by-step process on how you can submit your article to Purple Messenger.

Purple Messenger is a new publication on Medium, and our submission process has been made very simple so that you can submit your articles to us without any hitches. If you want to write for Purple Messenger, you just have to do these 2 simple things;

1. Follow our publication on Medium (Purple Messenger)

2. Leave a comment on this article with your medium username, so that you can be added as a writer for this publication.

This is what your username looks like.

Screenshot of author’s username on Medium

Once you’ve been added as a writer, you can start submitting your articles and getting them published.

What do We publish?

Now that you know how to get published on Purple Messenger, it is time to tell you what kind of articles we look forward to from you. So let’s jump right into it.

We are looking for excellent non-fiction works that are bold and original. Our publication is for writers who have strong opinions and confidence in their own voice(s). If your writing turns conventional wisdom on its head, challenges the status quo, airs an unpopular opinion, courts controversy, or tackles the hidden side of anything, then you are just the kind of writer we are looking for.

Our topic areas include but aren’t limited to society, culture, politics, psychology and mental health, religion, gender, race, and sexuality. We don’t really have a focus area, so feel free to send us whatever you write.

What we do not publish

Yes, we support creative freedom and want to publish your unpopular opinions, but we will not publish any article that is racist, or that demeans or insults any tribe, race, or group. We will accept and publish articles that are critical of these groups, but these articles must be well-researched and written in a professional and respectful way.

We do not ask you to be politically correct in your writing, but that doesn’t mean we are here to promote fascists and the like.

How to format your articles for submission

We know that every writer has a preferred writing style and we are in for your right to artistic freedom. However, we want everyone who publishes on Purple Medium to get a fair chance at being curated.

· Here are Medium’s guidelines on how to get curated — Medium’s Quality Guidelines: How real humans review stories for Boost

· Here is another excellent guide on formatting — The Best Medium Article Formatting Guide

Before you submit your article to us, please review your article and make sure that it ticks every box on the checklist below.

  • Ensure that titles are in title case and subtitles are written in sentence case. Your headings must be written in sentence case and properly formatted. Check Medium’s formatting guidelines for more details
  • Caption any image(s) in your article. If you have not created the image yourself, please provide an accurate backlink to the image. Copyright infringement is a serious legal offence and we do not want you to get in trouble.
  • Organize your article so that it is visually pleasing and easy to read. Feel free to make generous use of spaces, and organize your article into paragraphs that aren’t too long.
  • Turn on your private note setting so that we can leave a note and communicate with you when necessary.
  • Proofread your work before sending it in for publishing. Use proofreading tools like Grammarly to erase spelling and grammar errors from your work. We will reject any work that is full of grammatical or spelling errors that make it unreadable.

Reminder: You are free to send us your articles, but we do not guarantee that we will publish everything you send us. We reserve the right to reject articles that do not meet our standards. Where there are minor errors, we will leave a note specifying the correction(s) that need to be made. Where the article needs a major edit or does not fit with our publication, we won’t publish the article.

Who owns my work and how do I get compensated?

You own your work, and as such you have the full rights to it. By submitting any work to Purple Messenger, you are representing that you own the rights to the material you have submitted. You reserve the right to remove your work from our publication at any time; you don’t even have to inform us. We also reserve the right to remove your work from our publication without informing you or giving you a reason.

We will not pay you for your work. We encourage you to publish your articles behind the Medium paywall as this is the only way to earn an income on articles published in Purple Messenger.

Thank you for your interest in writing for Purple Magazine. We look forward to publishing your work.



Dr Emmanuel Ogamdi
Purple Messenger

A Dr. & clinical psychologist who will teach you how to improve your mental health. Subscribe to my newsletter here https://purplemessenger.substack.com/