How to Write AI Prompts

A guide for marketers

Kingsley Asuamah
Software Testing & QA Wiki


Photo by Frankie Cordoba on Unsplash

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There are tons of articles and experts telling us how often we should post on social media or write our blogs. But the real issue isn’t knowing what to do — it’s finding the time to do it right.

That’s why AI feels like a silver bullet. And it is, to an extent. When used right, Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can shortcut everything we hate about writing.

However, if you don’t know the right ways to build AI prompts and coax the large language models to give you the responses you need, these same tools can be even more frustrating than staring at a blank page.

To unlock the full potential of generative AI you must learn how to write AI prompts that will effectively communicate your needs to the AI and elicit the desired responses.

In this article, we will define the term AI prompt and give you the context you need to create better AI writing prompts by looking at the fundamentals at the heart of LLM’s.

We will uncover some of the limits that lead to poor output from Chat GPT and give you the principles and tips you need to write an effective prompt.

What is an AI Prompt?



Kingsley Asuamah
Software Testing & QA Wiki

Simple guy with a twisted mind. Tech Enthusiast. Software Quality Evangelist (QA). Humour Monger. I have many interests but I write mostly on Technology & Life.