BJ Fogg Model Part 3 — Trigger.

Samar Kainaaf
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2019

Another week later, I was so anxious to get to class on time. In the previous one, the scholar had mentioned that the next class would be the conclusion and he has one final element he wants to discuss to help us with our Quran reading habit.

He entered and greeted everyone with “As salamu alaykum”

Everyone responded to his Salam. He began “Does anyone remember what we’re discussing today?”

A fellow student responded “Sir, you were going to conclude the BJ Fogg Model series”

Another peer began to express how much the other two classes and elements helped with their exercise to recite the Quran daily.

The scholar delightfully said, “So great to hear how you all have incorporated and figured out ways to make Quran recitation a habit.”

“So, shall we embark on our journey to reach the finish line?” he uttered as he wrote on the board “TRIGGER”.

“Trigger is best known as call-to-action. Let’s break it down. It’s the element without which the target behavior will not succeed to happen. It nudges us to take action and perform the respective behavior. Ahead of it, trigger is divided into 3 categories, SPARK, SIGNAL and FACILITATOR. “

“Let’s being with Spark.” He proceeded.

“Allah Almighty said about Quran: “This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon [the pious]” (Quran, 2:2)

These kind of verses from the Quran can be set up as reminders in your phone, laptop or workspace to ignite the SPARK that will act as a trigger to recite Quran.

“Next up, signal”.

“Verily the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

Whenever feeling low on ability and motivation, reading such verses with such fervid meanings, act as a SIGNAL to remind you of what needs to be done and how. A SIGNAL brings reason to why the act needs to be done and this acts as a trigger.


He continued with an example to Athan (call to prayer) and mentioned “In the morning prayer, after “Hayya ala’l-falah” the muezzin recites “as-Salatu khayrum mina’n nawm” (prayer is more blessed than sleep) twice, and this is known as the taswib.

As the translation states that the call to prayer should be given more importance to than sleep. The Athan acts as a FACILITATOR that triggers you to rise when you hear it. When you focus on this specific verse, you realize your Lord is calling upon you to come offer Salah and let go of the deep sleep you may be in.”

That following morning, I woke up by the Athan and as soon as I heard “as-Salatu khayrum mina’n nawm”, I paid close attention to it and amazingly it was so much easier to wake myself up and get out of bed. I offered my prayers and as I had woken up anyway, I decided to recite the Quran to start the day with Allah’s blessings. The feeling was surreal. I continued the same routine the next day and the day after that. As Ramadan approached, this habit and routine was already established, and it became so easy to recite the Quran. But in Ramadan, I would recite a bit after every Salah, and my goal was to finish one Juz per day. This way it was much more convenient, and my goal was easily achievable as I wanted to complete the entire Holy Quran in Ramadan. Eventually and automatically, Athan became a trigger for my Quran recitation every day. Even after Ramadan had ended.

Part 1: The Bj Fogg Model. PART-1-MOTIVATION

Part 2: The BJ Fogg. Model, PART 2- ABILITY

