The BJ Fogg. Model. PART 1- MOTIVATION.

Samar Kainaaf
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019

Sitting in between about fifty to sixty people, a renowned scholar was delivering a lecture on how Ramadan is approaching and the preparations that should be taking place in a practicing Muslim’s routine,

He asked in a soft voice, “so how many of you have started mending your routines? I want to know the truth”

All the young students in the hall looked left and right and only a few were able to raise their hands and express what changes they’ve brought about.

His next question was, “how many of you plan to recite Qur’an on a daily basis in the month of Ramadan?”

It was amazing to see how almost everyone there raised their hands except a couple of peers, who he addressed right after.

Just a moment later, a peer questioned the scholar, “During Ramadan, with our jobs and hectic routine, how to find the motivation to recite Quran on a daily basis?”

The scholar was very pleased to see someone coming forward in search of guidance and soon after he started delivering his speech in which he explained, “I want to make this easy for you to understand and comprehend”, and he wrote on the board, BJ Fogg Model — MOTIVATION.

That very moment, everyone including myself, felt how the silence in the hall was because of the curiosity and interest that had been built up.

“Sensation, anticipation, belonging” — the three core motivators to stimulate any other form of motivation.

He further carried on his explanation breaking down each point one by one, with the help of Quranic verses.

First off, Sensation — Pleasure and pain And whoever holds firmly to Allah has [indeed] been guided to a straight path. Quran 3:101.

The feeling of falling back to Allah and maintaining absolute faith, that He is the one who guides and directs the right path of a true believer. He is the one to bestow pleasure and relieve pain. That belief gives you peace and MOTIVATES to reach out closer to Allah.

Secondly, Anticipation — Hope and fear… And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits but give good tidings to the patient. Quran 2:155

Along the lines of difficulties, some come in the form of a test by Allah. A good Muslim, during these tests, does not turn away, but turns towards Allah for help, and Allah Almighty offers immense rewards for the humans who remain patient in the time of hardship.

Lastly, Belonging — Rejection and acceptance… “and He it Is who accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgives sins, and He knows what you do” Quran 42:25

The all-powerful Allah accepts every form of repentance always. Never does he ever reject a believer begging for forgiveness. He is the all forgiving and most merciful.

After explaining these three points on motivation from Fogg’s model with references from Quranic verses, this all became even more engaging. The scholar took a deep breath and proceeded on to voice his explanation.

Quran is the word of the most benevolent, Allah. We spend time with our loved ones, we want to sit and listen to them, we take advice from them and even proceed to act on them. Would we not want to read and act upon Allah’s word? We need to make time for Him and for His word. Nothing in this world can reciprocate those moments. When you possess these intentions and hold these thoughts, automatically you will make a special effort to recite Quran daily.

He then answered a few questions and continued to explain further how being goal-oriented is so essential. Recitation of Quran should be a goal each day. So, an individual is aware that this goal needs to be reached somehow and anyhow and will ultimately be motivated to recite at any chance they get.

Lastly, he explained how a person can only achieve what they want if they work hard and strive to achieve their desired result.

“God helps those, who help themselves”. A very commonly known quote that pretty much sums it up that motivation needs to come from within and the willingness to do so.

Part 2: The BJ Fogg. Model, PART 2- ABILITY

Part 3: BJ Fogg Model Part 3 — Trigger.

