Go to Qolab.io
Qolab.io is an online crowd-sourcing and co-creation platform that allows brands to announce and conduct contests through the Internet. It is also a large community of talented creators who love to solve brands’ challenges with fresh thinking, creative ideas and shareable content
Note from the editor

Qolab.io is an online crowd-sourcing and co-creation platform that allows brands to announce and conduct contests through the Internet. It is also a large community of talented creators who love to solve brands’ challenges with fresh thinking, creative ideas and shareable content

Go to the profile of Sarvesh Kulkarni
Sarvesh Kulkarni
A student and entrepreneur pledged to solving sustainability issues around the world :)
Go to the profile of Elton D'souza
Elton D'souza
Inventor and Entrepreneur who is currently working on Devising Open innovation and Co-creation methods for brands | Visit me at eltondsouza.com
Go to the profile of Elton D'souza
Elton D'souza
Inventor and Entrepreneur who is currently working on Devising Open innovation and Co-creation methods for brands | Visit me at eltondsouza.com