QualiCUBE Modular Solutions

HYDRATED LIME CLASSIFICATION MODULE ready to be delivered at Calcis Warstein

After the completed FAT (Final Acceptance Test) our module is ready to be delivered on a single truck.

Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2020


HYDRATED LIME CLASSIFICATION MODULE, mechanically assembled & electrically cabled and tested in our Italian workshop, is ready to be delivered at Calcis Warstein to be coupled to the existing QualiCal Spydro HYDRATION MODULE.


is a modular classification unit produced by QualiCal as a plug and play” solution, designed to produce chemical grade hydrated lime product thanks to the high efficiency SuSep classifier embedded in the module.

The module looks like a square tower, having the measurements of a container, so that it is conveyable with a standard truck. Inside the module a SuSep® D dynamic classifier, a QualiCone cyclone separator, a centrifugal fan, a Crumbly dynamic disagglomerator and a bag filter are mechanical assembled and electrical connected.

QualiCube_1 is complete with control and command board which permits the no-load test in QualiCal workshop before its delivery.

QualiCUBE PLUG&PLAY solution

>> See more information here about our MODULAR SOLUTION.

QualiCUBE 1 — Hydrated Lime Classification Module




The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.