Announcing N-of-1: The Journal of the Quantified Self

Quantified Self Public Health
2 min readJun 9, 2016
Dawn Lemanne and Mark Drangsholt discuss N-of-1: The Journal of The Quantified Self. Photo: Kristy Walker

“Single subject research is generally not even thought of as science.” — Mark Drangsholt

Imagine an earth-like planet in a distant galaxy populated by intelligent creatures with a physiology similar to our own. Like us, the aliens have discovered the scientific method, and they even use familiar experimental tools for health research such as case-crossover studies and placebo controls. However, the aliens rarely aggregate data from many individuals. In fact, such aggregation is frowned upon. After all, why ruin accurate individual data by mashing it into a synthetic construct like a population? Now you’re guaranteed to be wrong about everybody!

With this beautiful little science fiction parable, Dr. Mark Drangsholt introduced N-of-1: The Journal of the Quantified Self. There’s a pressing need for a journal where scientists and self-trackers can report new discoveries and share methodological advances. As a first step toward independent publication, a group of long-time Quantified Self Public Health researchers has been invited by editor-in-chief Sabine Koch to produce a “focus theme” for the respected Methods of Information in Medicine, scheduled for publication in 2017. This is truly a milestone. In the video below you can listen in on the discussion Mark had about our new journal with Dr. Dawn Lemanne, who regularly uses N-of-1 techniques in her innovative oncology practice. (And if you are using techniques, please get in touch. We’d love to read your manuscripts, and even if you don’t have a paper ready there are many other ways to help.)

Mark Drangsholt announces the N-of-1 journal and answers questions from Dawn Lemanne.

