How has your quantum 2021 started?

Join the Quantum Stammtisch on Tuesday 9 February

Quantum London
Quantum Computing
2 min readJan 29, 2021


***Update on 7 Feb*** We’re delighted that Brian T. Lenahan will be joining us to give a sneak peek of his book “Quantum Boost”. We really look forward to the discussion

It’s Quantum Stammtisch time again.

This month we’ve got lots to cover.

As ever we’ll start with a go-round of greetings and updates to welcome new members and hear what’s on people’s minds. But only if you want to speak. Being in listening-only mode is absolutely fine!

We’ll get an update on how the Quantum London Coding Community is developing.

And then we will then we’re reflect on why we heard in our recent webinars, both the Patent Protection discussion with Venner Shipley, and the Quantum Versus Quantum conversation with ID Quantique.

I know some of you were keen to hear more about SheQuantum — “the eLearning platform with the objective of connecting women to Q”. Unfortunately this section can no longer happen, but we point you to their excellent website.

We look forward to you joining us.

Logistics and sign-up

Em, Ana and Paolo look forward to welcoming you.

We’ll run the event on Zoom, potentially using breakout rooms if that looks useful. We will start at 6pm UK time and target a 7pm end time for the main content, though may continue the discussion after that if some people want to continue.

Zoom registration here.

If you’re happy and able to mention the event on social media then please do ahead of time or on the night.

Here is a link to some useful Twitter details.


(*Stammtisch: A Stammtisch (German for “regulars’ table”, [ˈʃtamtɪʃ]) is an informal group meeting held on a regular basis, and also the usually large, often round table around which the group meets. A Stammtisch is not a structured meeting, but rather a friendly get-together. Source: Wikipedia)



Quantum London
Quantum Computing

Spotting and sharing quantum computing’s business impact — now and in the future. Quantum Business book link: