Quantum Boost — Using Quantum Computing to Supercharge your Business

A sneak peek with Brian T. Lenahan of his new QC book

Quantum London
Quantum Computing


We’re really looking forward to hearing from Brian Lenahan at this week’s Quantum London Quantum Stammtisch session.

After our usual roundtable update and Coding community discussion led by Emanuele, Paolo and Ana, Brian will give us a sneak preview of his key messages.

(Not sure when you can pre-order your copy of the book. I’m sure Brian will tell us, but check out his 2019 book on AI here: Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for Business Leaders and Consultants)

Where sharable we’ll add key points here afterwards.

In the meantime make sure you’re signed up for the Stammtisch on Tuesday 9 February.

Everyone welcome. More info here and Zoom RSVP here.



Quantum London
Quantum Computing

Spotting and sharing quantum computing’s business impact — now and in the future. Quantum Business book link: https://amzn.to/3xaoLgz