Quantum Computing hardware — who’s building what

A Quantum London executive one-pager

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing


Source: Quantum London

Following the recent overview of quantum computing gives by Simon McAdams of Cambridge Quantum Computing we were inspired to produce a similar summary chart of some key quantum computing hardware players.

Clearly not everyone is here but these are some of the names we think you’ll hear mentioned most frequently.

Feel free to use this. It’s part of our efforts to build an CXO-friendly set of materials.

We are thinking whether it would help to have a page laying out the difference in the technologies but are concerned that this starts to add a technical ‘distraction’ which most people really don’t need to know about.

Sure, understanding that different tech gives more accurate qubits is important, as is realising that as a result the qubit count risks being too simple a measure. However, if we want the average CRO, CEO or Chairman to engage on the topic we need to find ways of shielding them from this detail.

Maybe we simply say

Not all qubits are made equal

and then move onto the more important (for them) discussion about which of their problems suit quantum computers and what steps they need to take to…

