Building Personal Connection in Fintech

How Courier is Changing the Way Banks Speak to their Customers

Byron Sorrells and Lea Jafiarova never set out to be entrepreneurs. But, they are both passionate builders and problem solvers and…

Breaking Down “The Old Way” of RFPs

How Multiple Minds are Positioning Catapult for Success

Justin Witz, CEO of Catapult, is building a company that will make the RFP (request for proposal) process more efficient but he is not doing it…

Stop the Overspending Madness

How Envudu is the Magic Solution

The Envudu team is ambitious. Ryan Ruff, CEO, wants to continue doing what his family has been doing for decades — helping people. Tyler Slater, CTO, wants to break the cycle of debt that so many…

The Newest Credit Score Guru

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Curu

Navigating the logistics of college housing is difficult. David Potter and Abb Kapoor can certainly attest to that. After missing the deadline for freshman year housing at University of Maryland, the…