Twin Obsessors

This is my story

Queen’s Children
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2020


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Ann Litts wrote about The Fine Art of Quitting, about letting go of the obsession that everything — every damn thing — must be completed, finished, and marked with a big, red DONE!

She and I often comment on our similarities and this version of OCD is another. Like Ann, I had to complete every book I started, even the horrible ones, and each task begun had to be finished the same day, if humanly possible. Marriage vows were for eternity. After all, marriage is another responsibility, right? An ongoing task until death crosses it off the to-do list.

Well, regarding marriage, I did leave before it was eliminated by death. Still, I had to hit rock bottom to do that.

I left my old life behind, but my obsessions moved with me.

For years, my daughter and grandchildren lived with me. I co-parented with her while working 50+ hours a week. In other words, I was darn busy all the time. Sunday mornings were my only time off from child-duty and from work.

How did I spend those carefree Sunday mornings? Clipping coupons from the newspaper.

Money was tight. Coupons save money. I wasn’t one of those crazy couponers that tie up grocery store lines for an hour while they hand over a thousand…



Queen’s Children

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.