Writing Prompt: Pivotal Moments

Think of a moment that changed who you became

Logan Silkwood
Queerly Trans
4 min readFeb 23, 2022


A notebook with the words “Building Character the Queerly Trans Way”, “Feed Your Heart”, “Queerly Trans”, “Love, Logan Silkwood” all written in many colors underneath the layer of a translucent paper containing the outline of a human heart.
Photo by Logan Silkwood

Note: Welcome to Logan’s Corner! This writing prompt is free for everyone, but if you want to feed me and your fellow writers when you join the Medium to read all of these amazing writings for $5/month, join here at no additional charge or select your favorite Queerly Trans writer to support! Thank you for your patronage of queerly trans writing and art!

There are experiences in life that build character, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

They are an opportunity for you to discover something critical about who you are; perhaps these are even moments where you can actively decide who you will become, based on your choices.

Tell us about one or more of those moments in your life.

This could, in theory, be a great prompt for anyone, as we all have pivotal moments in life that build character.

A queerly trans person could also easily use this prompt to write about something that has nothing to do with them being queer or trans. I’m happy to support such writing.

However, there is lots of potential for this prompt to show how your character is developing specifically as a queer, trans person.

For example, I recently got fired in a way that didn’t shape my gender transition or sexuality directly, obviously, but which will definitely play a part in shaping the kind of man I am becoming.

There is no way that I could separate that experience from the experience of being a trans man and especially a trans man who is queer. My very specific position on the societal privilege hierarchy gave me the perspective needed to make the choices that I made in that situation. Had I not been queer and trans, I’m sure I would have seen that situation very differently and perhaps made some very different choices, based on the options available.

You could also interpret this prompt as an invitation to study some pivotal moments in your transition or in the development of your sexuality.

I’d love to read writings that go in that direction, as well!

Thank you to KP_the_writer for sparking the idea for this week’s “Logan’s Corner”, Queerly Trans prompt! They deserve full credit.

KP_the_writer was also the first to give a thought provoking and hilarious response, giving the rest of us a run for our money:

💜 Victoria Quinn 💜 shares some of her poignant insights into coping with dysphoria as she comes out at work here:

Now, for some logistics:

I answered some more detailed FAQ’s at the bottom of this writing prompt, but will recap briefly here.

We strongly encourage you to support Queerly Trans by subscribing and/or submitting your responses to this prompt for publication. To become a writer for Queerly Trans, please read this article carefully.

Important Note 1: Queerly Trans only accepts drafts! Be sure to read the instructions before self-publishing, if you would like your writing featured with us.

Important Note 2: From here on out, be sure to have “gender” for your first tag when submitting your response to any of my prompts for publication at Queerly Trans. This sends the draft to me for editing.

If you opt to self-publish or submit to another publication, please be sure to tag me!

Use the @ sign with “logansilkwood” somewhere in your writing, and you should see my picture pop up to click on. Once I see you in my notifications, I can run over and clap/comment for you. Then, I will add your writing to this post, so that it’s easier for our community to find. I will also promote your writing on Twitter to help support you.



Logan Silkwood
Queerly Trans

I’m a polyamorous, non-binary trans man (he/him). I edit for Queerly Trans, Prism & Pen, Enbyous, and Trans Love & (A)Sexuality. Twitter: @logan_silkwood.