Check Out Our Featured Writer of the Month!

Kristen Nadel
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1 min readAug 16, 2020

Hello, everyone! I want to feature a writer to allow my talented team to gain some traction with their writing. We have nearly a dozen who contribute to Queertopia, and I love their styles for different reasons. This month, I’d like to shout out Evan McCoy!

I love Evan’s writing because it is detailed and imaginative. When I read his stories, I feel like I’m in them. He uses humor in a way that is nice, integrating a chuckle without making you feel like what you are reading is cheesy. Overall, Evan is a wonderful person to work with, as well. Here’s to you, Evan! Happy writing! :)

Some of his stories can be found below:

When Did You Know You Were Gay?

The Angry and Surprising Soundtrack of My Youth

That Time a Man Wore a Skirt



Kristen Nadel

Writer and author • Interested in mindfulness and spirituality • Fascinated by interpersonal connections • 🌈LGBTQ+