10 Best React Courses For Beginners to learn ReactJS

Yash Tiwari
Quick Code
Published in
8 min readSep 19, 2022
Best ReactJS Courses

Among the most well-known Javascript libraries, React is one of the most popular. It is an open-source front-end library that lets you create fast and interactive UIs for web and mobile applications. Developers use React.js for web development because of its ultimately optimized design interfaces and code languages. It is easy to pick up, implement, create, and maintain professional-looking web (and mobile) applications because it is a component-based approach, has a clearly defined lifecycle, and uses only plain JavaScript.

Therefore, I have compiled this list of the best React courses that beginners can use to learn about this incredible Javascript library. Alternatively, if you want to invest in free courses, I have also compiled a list of free React.js courses for beginners. Now, let’s get back to the topic.

1. React — The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) — [Udemy]

React.js is the most popular JavaScript library for creating modern, reactive web interfaces. Hence, this course will teach you all the core, modern features of the latest version of React. It covers all the latest patterns and best practices for teaching React.js in a practice-oriented manner.

In this ReactJS course, you will:

  • Build powerful, fast, user-friendly, and reactive web apps.
  • Learn all about React Hooks and React Components.
  • Deliver excellent user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease.
  • Find high-paying jobs or work as a freelancer in one of the most in-demand sectors in web development.

This course will provide you with the key fundamentals, advanced concepts, and related topics required to become a proficient React.js developer. It is perfect for anyone who has no prior knowledge of React or already has some basic knowledge: you will gain tons of useful knowledge.

It is a top-rated React course on Udemy with a 4.6 out of 5-course rating and a 48-hour length. You will receive a certificate of completion upon completing this course.

2. Front-End Web Development with React — [Coursera]

This course will explore JavaScript-based front-end application development, emphasizing React (Version 16.3). We’ll use JavaScript ES6 to create React applications. Furthermore, you will learn how to build responsive UIs using Bootstrap 4 by using Reactstrap.

Topics in this React course include:

  • Introduction to React
  • React Router and Single Page Applications
  • React Forms, Flow Architecture, and Introduction to Redux
  • More Redux and Client-Server Communication

In this course, you will learn about various aspects of React components. Learn about React routers and how to use them when building single-page applications. In addition, you will learn how to design controlled forms, and you will learn about Flux architecture and Redux. Using React-Redux, you will develop applications based on Redux.

Next, you will learn about client-server communication with Fetch and server-side REST APIs. The course concludes with a presentation on how React animations work and how to test them. For this course, students must have a solid working knowledge of Bootstrap 4 and JavaScript, especially ES5.

It is a top-rated React course on Coursera with a 4.7 out of 5-course rating and a 36-hour duration. Auditing this course is free, but you will have to pay for extra benefits.

3. React.js Essential Training — [Linkedin]

React.js is unique among JavaScript libraries. It uses reusable components rather than templates, which allows it to render views even if the data changes over time. As a result, developers and users are more satisfied with React applications since they are more scalable and manageable. Therefore, this course will train you with React.

Topics in this React course include:

  • What Is React?
  • Intro to React Elements
  • React Components
  • React State in the Component Tree
  • Handling Forms in React
  • Asynchronous React
  • React Router
  • React Testing and Deployment

This course will teach you how to create components using React using the most modern syntax and best practices. Next, you will learn about setting up Chrome tools for React, creating new components, using the built-in hooks in React, and running tests with Create React App. Upon completing this course, you’ll understand the basics of React.js, allowing you to construct browser-based applications more effectively.

It is one of the best React courses to learn ReactJS on Linkedin, with a course rating of 4.7 out of 5.0 and time duration of 2 hours.

4. Learn Advanced React — [Codecademy]

As a front-end or full-stack developer, you will likely encounter techniques you will learn in this advanced course when leveling up your React skills. Therefore, this course focuses on advanced React topics.

In this React course, you will:

  • Create error boundaries that protect areas of your application from runtime errors.
  • Utilize the Context API to elegantly share data throughout your component tree and minimize prop drilling.
  • Create custom hooks that minimize repetition and improve the readability of your code.
  • Analyze the performance of your React applications and apply techniques to optimize them.

In this course, you will create portfolio projects to demonstrate your skills. You will create projects like Blank Thoughts, Context Mixtape, and Playing Hooky. Additionally, you will familiarize yourself with React Dev debugging tools and custom hooks.

It is a top-rated React course on Codecademy with an 8-hour time duration. Remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion unless you have a PRO membership on Codecademy.

5. Modern React with Redux — [Udemy]

Learning React and Redux is a valuable skill. With this course, you will learn how Redux and React work in a time-tested way that will help you land a new job as a software engineer or build the app you’ve always wanted.

In this React course, you will:

  • Create dynamic web apps using the latest in web technology.
  • Obtain the programming skills required to acquire a software engineering job.
  • Practice your skills with many large projects, exercises, and quizzes.
  • Master the fundamental concepts behind React and Redux.
  • Learn how Redux works and its fundamentals.
  • Discover the power of building reusable components.
  • Become fluent in the toolchain supporting React, including NPM, Webpack, Babel, and ES6/ES2015 Javascript syntax.

This course introduces each topic incrementally, ensuring that you have a solid foundation. It includes plenty of discussions to help you understand how and when to use each feature of Redux and React.

It is a top-rated React course on Udemy with a 4.6 out of 5-course rating and a 52-hour length. You will receive a certificate of completion upon completing this course.

6. React Basics — [Coursera]

The course will introduce you to the fundamental concepts underlying the React library and teach you how to build a simple, fast, and scalable application. In addition to developing new skills, improving productivity, and acting effectively with data, this course has the potential to boost your career prospects.

In this React course, you will:

  • Build scalable and maintainable websites and apps using React.
  • Use props to pass data between components.
  • Design interactive and dynamic web pages.
  • Use forms to allow users to interact with the app.
  • Create a React application.
  • Use reusable components to render views where data changes over time.

Those interested in preparing for a mobile development career can enroll in this course. No previous programming experience is required for this course, just basic internet navigation skills and the desire to learn how to code.

It is a top-rated React course on Coursera with a 27-hour duration. Auditing this course is free, but you will have to pay for extra benefits.

7. Building Modern Projects with React — [Linkedin]

Explore some of the most powerful tools in the React ecosystem that simplify development and ease the handling of state, side effects, structure, and styling. The course starts with an introduction to React, with redux and thunks explained, selectors explained, styled components explained, and testing explained.

Topics in this React course include:

  • Creating Your Basic Project
  • Adding Redux
  • Dealing with Side Effects
  • Selectors
  • Styled-Components
  • Testing

It is one of the best React courses to learn ReactJS on Linkedin, with a course rating of 4.7 out of 5.0 and a time duration of 3 hours and 41-minutes.

8. Create a front-end app with React — [Codecademy]

There is a high demand for front-end skills, and HTML and CSS are widely known. Become an expert in JavaScript and set yourself apart from the crowd. Learn how to create interactive apps using React — a popular library that’s becoming increasingly vital.

Topics in this React course include:

  • Introduction to JavaScript and Building Apps
  • JavaScript Functions, Arrays, and Loops
  • JavaScript Iterators, Objects, and Classes
  • Modern JavaScript: Modules and Browser Compatibility
  • Introduction to React
  • React: Components Interacting
  • React: Component State
  • AJAX Requests and API Interactions
  • React Capstone

Some projects you will create include Wanderlust, Interacting with the Yelp API, and Creating a playlist app with Spotify.

It is a top-rated React course on Codecademy with an 8-weeks time duration. Remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion unless you have a PRO membership on Codecademy.

9. Testing React Apps with Jest and React Testing Library — [Educative]

This course will teach you how to write automated tests using Jest and React Testing Library, which are the de-facto testing tools for React apps. With these tests, you can ship new versions of your app confidently. As a result of the tests, you will be able to increase your release frequency, letting you deliver new features to your customers more quickly.

Topics in this React course include:

  • Getting Started with Jest
  • Using Matchers
  • Getting Started with React Testing Library
  • React Testing Library Queries
  • Firing Events
  • Mocking
  • Testing Different Types of Components
  • Appendix

As a result, you will learn how to write tests resistant to breaking when code is refactored or improved, reducing maintenance expenses. In this course, you will learn how to simulate a user’s interaction with an application. Furthermore, it will teach you how to test asynchronous parts of the app robustly.

It is a top-rated React course on Educative with a 16-hour duration. Additionally, you will get a certificate upon completion of this course.

10. React 17: Getting Started — [Pluralsight]

This course introduces the fundamental concepts behind React and shows how to use them to create practical web applications. This tutorial will show you how to create a stateful function and class components, read and update state elements, and how one-way flow data in a component tree.

After that, you will explore the modern JavaScript features used with React, such as arrow functions, destructuring rest and spread operators, classes, and async/await. Following that, we will introduce some core React functions such as taking user input, reading API data, and managing side effects such as timers.

Finally, you will learn how to create a local JavaScript development environment. After completing this course, you will start simple React applications from scratch and understand React projects.

Topics in this React course include:

  • The Basics
  • Modern JavaScript Crash Course
  • The GitHub Cards App
  • The Star Match Game
  • Setting up a Development Environment

It is a top-rated React course on Pluralsight with a 4-hour duration. Additionally, you will get a certificate upon completion of this course.

Disclosure: We may get a small affiliate commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.

