Quidli app updates, October 2022 šŸŽƒ

Increased controls built natively into Slack & Discord, and more!

Justin Ahn
3 min readOct 24, 2022


Since the major app update pushed into production last month, weā€™ve been heads-down focusing on improvements to the user experience to where our users have been leveraging Quidli the most ā€” the integrations.

This post breaks down everything weā€™ve pushed so far this month:

Whatā€™s new with integrations

Slack app users may have noticed a slightly beefier modal when using /give. This is due to our expansion of transactional controls available to users directly in-app so that you donā€™t have to keep toggling back and forth between integrations and the web app.

You may have noticed larger /give modal in the Quidli Slack app giving you much more transactional control

Natively from both Slack and Discord, users can now:

  • Drop tokens to multiple users or entire channels;
  • Select/limit which tokens to deploy in your Slacks & Discords;
  • Denominate sends in token values rather than fiat values;
  • Establish specific rules for token distributions (ex. restrict immediate withdrawals, enforced token sharing)
  • Set transactions as ā€œprivateā€ for more discreet distributions

Accordingly, as demands for enabling greater controls natively into integrations continue to come in, weā€™ll be releasing even more updates in the weeks to come.

Whatā€™s new in the web app

Following the increased functionalities to the integrations, weā€™re shifting the Quidli web app into more of a control panel environment from where admin users can manage their integrations, groups & members, token treasuries, transaction rules, bounty workflows, and more.

As integration usage grows, the Quidli web app is evolving more into a control panel for admin users

Admins now have expanded rights to manage your groups and group members from the web app regardless of where the group originates from (browser, in Slack or in Discord). Additionally, all users, both admin and non-admin, can find their complete token and group information aggregated in their web app dashboards.

Token distribution rules are also manageable from web app accounts for admins as of now. Determine distribution rules for your groups and tokens to better ensure incentives and rewards are being shared (and re-shared) in accordance with your organizationā€™s internal culture and not just to pad personal wallets.

Want to add crypto micro-incentives and rewards to your workflows and business processes? Create your account on Quidli or install directly to your Slack or Discord in one click to get started!

Visit our site, follow us on Twitter, and contact us directly at hey@quid.li.



Justin Ahn

Just a guy with great legs working on improving employee engagement for remote teams (https://quid.li) #futureofwork