Introducing RabbitHole

Earn rewards by using decentralized applications

Brian Flynn
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2020


The crypto ecosystem is at crossroads. In the past three years, we’ve spent our resources launching new protocols, new smart contracts, and new applications, and yet, mainstream adoption eludes us.

With every new protocol or contract created, users face more noise when using crypto. If new users can’t filter through the noise, users won’t be using decentralized applications. And if new users aren’t using decentralized applications, we’re stuck with the financial system we have today that is controlled by just a few.

Meanwhile, crypto networks are trying to figure out how to effectively decentralize and turn speculators into users. Recently, we’ve seen a resurgence in projects launching tokens for their ecosystems. Projects are quickly moving from “buying to own” to “participating to govern.” But in most cases, these projects suffer from the chicken and the egg problem: there must be users participating to govern.

How can we help filter the noise for new users, turn speculators into participants, and make crypto networks more decentralized?

Introducing Rabbit Hole — Earn rewards by using decentralized applications

On RabbitHole, users can acquire XP, level up, and earn rewards for interacting with well-known blockchain protocols. RabbitHole breaks down each decentralized application into gamified tasks so users can understand the main functions of the application while simultaneously bootstrapping the network.

Rabbit Hole is a portal into the world of crypto that solves a few of crypto’s current pain points:

  1. There’s no current incentive to bootstrap new networks and test the functionality. On RabbitHole, crypto networks can reward users with unique tokens or rewards for interacting with their smart contracts and testnets.
  2. It’s overwhelming for a new user to filter through the noise. RabbitHole curates tasks for each application to provide the user with a guide rail and understanding of how the network works by using the network, not by just watching videos.
  3. Cryptonetworks are missing the “fun” factor. By introducing game-like elements on top of existing contracts, RabbitHole provides an easy on-boarding for new users to experience the paradigm shift into the decentralized world while simultaneously learning how to use crypto-enabled applications.

Soon, users will be able to start completing tasks, earn XP, and move up in the leaderboard during the beta. We’ll be announcing more details about the beta soon. In the meantime, sign up for early access at




Published in RabbitHole

On RabbitHole, users can get XP, level up, and earn rewards for interacting with crypto applications. RabbitHole breaks down each decentralized application into gamified tasks so users can understand the main functions of the application while bootstrapping the network.

Brian Flynn
Brian Flynn

Written by Brian Flynn

I often curate and write about crypto. Founder, Builder, and Thinker.

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