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Vox is Closing

Publishing and social networking platform Vox has recently announced that the service is closing soon.

Vox has been a fun place to explore, create and connect with your friends. But Vox is closing its doors on September 30, 2010.
This doesn’t mean you…

Anyone Interested to Write on Pinoy Auto Blog?

I’ve been running Pinoy Auto Blog for a few months now, but it’s not such an active site yet. I’d like the site to get serious traction soon. If anyone’s interested in contributing to the site, please get in touch with me!

Weather and Blogging

Andrew Rosen asked how the weather affects your blogging. I can think of a couple of ways it impacts my blogging.

# On stormy days my DSL sometimes goes down. So I have to resort to connecting via mobile. If that works at all! Also, during _really_ stormy days, the…

Blogging Internships, Anyone?

On the Blog Herald, I recently posted about blogging internships, where I cited the experiences of a high school student interning at a writer/blogger’s home-office. This makes me think — would anyone in the Philippines be interested in such a setup? I know students in various…