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My blogroll

Below are my subscriptions from Bloglines. You may also view them as RSS feeds here.


links will open in the same window unless you Ctrl-click (with

Firefox–opens a new tab) or right-click then select the appropriate

“Open in new window” or “tab” in Firefox or I.E…

Sky Internet VOIP?

From Sky Internet VoIP website:

SkyInternetVoIP is a phone service that allows you to place

and receive calls over any broadband or high speed cable or DSL

It gives you practically 85% discount equivalent to 6c/minute* vs. the…

Contributions accepted

The J Spot is now a subscriber-supported blog (as contribution / donation-ware). Since i.PH

enabled pay4access this second semester of 2005, I thought about

creative ways of cashing in through this feature. It is, after all,

a cool idea to earn online. But I decided against putting up…

Attention: Flash animator wannabes

Check out Flipbook, “an interactive Flash application that allows people to draw simple animations, save them to a gallery and share them with other people via e-mail.”

Sorry MSIE users!

I just realized my site doesn’t display well in MSIE. I’ve always preferred the browsing experience with Firefox,

so I rarely use MSIE except when I’m experimenting with blog designs or

features (there are, after all, some differences in rendering


Tribute to Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II will be buried today, at about 10:00 a.m.

(Vatican time; about 5:00 p.m. here). I would think that the

Pope’s passing may have sparked renewed interest in the Catholic faith

to many Catholics around the world, and even to non-Catholics and
