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MSN can solve your homework

Here’s something Google can’t do: solve your math homework.

MSN can actually solve for X in an equation via Encarta answers!

Simply key in the equation (in linear form) and click Search, and it comes up with the value of the…

Filipino Economist?

Google is no longer displaying the J Spot on number one position when you query for “filipino economist.” The Google crawlers must have done their crawling and determined that the keyword is not as relevant as it was when I posted on the topic a few months back.

Who’s the “failure” on Google?

This gives me the secound laugh of my day (the first being my xXx experience with Bidshot). Just this morning, doing a Google search for “failure” would bring up George W. Bush’s official biography in the number one spot!

Blogs and search engines

Checking the referral stats for the J Spotter

(my blog on “personal insights”), I was surprised to see a lot of hits

coming from queries on “Rene Jarque.” I stopped wondering when I

got an email from Billy Esposo via the COPA-NET egroup that former

Captain Jarque has passed away.