Go to Ragtag notes
Ragtag notes
Ragtag is the bridge between organizing and tech. Our volunteer team brings our tech expertise to help changemakers do their thing.
Note from the editor

Ragtag is for technologists who want to use their tech superpowers for good.

Go to the profile of Brady Kriss
Brady Kriss
Founder of Ragtag.
Go to the profile of Ragtag
Tech volunteers using our powers for good.
Go to the profile of Jesse Kriss
Jesse Kriss
Code, design, infovis, music. Current: Netflix. Past: NASA/JPL, OFA 2012, Figure 53, IBM Research. All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed. He/him.
Go to the profile of Brady Kriss
Brady Kriss
Founder of Ragtag.
Go to the profile of Ragtag
Tech volunteers using our powers for good.
Go to the profile of Brandi Edwards
Brandi Edwards
Political and coffee junkie, music snob, freelancer, and #Obama2012 Digital Team alum.
Go to the profile of Kathy Utley
Kathy Utley
Lifelong Goofball, Lazy and Delightfully Weird, I am a Lover of all Creatures, Passionate about People, Writer, Activist, Progressive Christian, Widow
Go to the profile of Jill Huchital
Jill Huchital
head of product at ragtag.org
Go to the profile of Ashley LeBlanc
Ashley LeBlanc
Ragtag Communications. Resistance. Freelance techie. Front End Dev Student @ FCC. SF native living in Boise. Mom. Coffee addict.
Go to the profile of Flynn Ezra Beckman
Flynn Ezra Beckman
San Franciscan, Organizer
Go to the profile of Jeffrey Durland
Go to the profile of Laura Ellena
Laura Ellena
Outreach Lead and DC Ambassador, Ragtag.org
Go to the profile of Ben Scofield
Ben Scofield
Creator of moodprint.com, developer, sometimes speaker
Go to the profile of Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Web Developer. Formerly Director of Front-end Development for @BarackObama and Technologist in Residence for @gigtank.
Go to the profile of Seth Marbin
Seth Marbin
I help people use skills & resources to improve the world. Connected to @GoogleOrg @AmeriCorpsAlums @AspenBizSociety @ragtag_team @teampedia. Writing is my own.