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Rails Karate is a product development company since 2013, our goal is to provide you with a great team of developers to drive your Startup, company or project to succeed. We share knowledge too, follow us on our YouTube channel to know more.
Note from the editor

Rails Karate is a product development company since 2013, our goal is to provide you with a great team of developers to drive your Startup, company or project to succeed. We share knowledge too, follow us on our YouTube channel to know more.

Go to the profile of Sebastian Velandia
Sebastian Velandia
#meteorjs, #RubyOnRails & #Startup consultant, coach and developer. #Entrepreneur, co-founder & CTO @grupoly & @railskarate, Portfolio: http://bit.ly/2cclyDZ
Go to the profile of Sebastian Velandia
Sebastian Velandia
#meteorjs, #RubyOnRails & #Startup consultant, coach and developer. #Entrepreneur, co-founder & CTO @grupoly & @railskarate, Portfolio: http://bit.ly/2cclyDZ