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Raising a Smart Kid
Raising a Smart Kid
Books, kindness, learning activities, and more. Trying to raise a smart, self-sufficient child while having a net-positive effect on the world.
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Charity Involvement

I recently read a very uplifting post in The New York Times, “Charities That Inspire Kids: Family Gateway.” I recommend reading it. The family whose experience is detailed in the article is affluent, so not all families have the means to do what they do. However, it’s a wonderful example that…

Sharing an Article

I want to share this article: “Babies’ Immune Systems May Stand Down to Let Good Microbes Grow.”

Breastfeeding keeps babies more shielded from getting sick because of things like antibodies being passed from the mother to the baby. However, that doesn’t shield the baby…

Videos for Newborns

When my daughter was still in the hospital’s NICU (see previous post My Labor and Delivery: the hopes and the reality), I wanted to be able to give her something visually stimulating. There were plenty of medical machines and people around, so perhaps she was doing just fine in terms of having…