Rally Unveils New Community Activity Rewards to Drive More Potential Revenue for Creators And Reward Coin Supporters

Back in November, Rally debuted the first iteration of Community Activity Rewards designed to reward creator communities who were actively growing their Creator Coin economies and thus the Rally network itself. Beginning today, Rally will implement an updated community activity rewards system to drive even more potential revenue for creators and reward coin supporters. This evolution is aimed at addressing feedback from creators, fans, and supporters and to update the rewards system to meet the incredible growth of the creator community.

Previously, rewards were added to a Creator Coin’s total $RLY backing increasing the underlying value of a coin. Under the new system, creators and coin owners who are eligible for community rewards will now directly receive rewards as $RLY in their accounts.

Individual rewards are proportional to how much coin someone owns so one of the biggest recipients of $RLY rewards will be the creator. And fans can receive rewards for multiple coins as long as the coins are eligible for rewards. That’s an immediate and measurable benefit for everyone who has directly contributed to the growth of a coin economy from week to week.

There are also major UX improvements with a new Rewards tab on every coin page. Anyone who holds a Creator Coin can see:

  • Pending individual $RLY rewards amount
  • Weekly $RLY rewards amount for the coin economy
  • Personal % of coin ownership
  • Historical rewards activity and total $RLY rewards received

Watch Rally co-founder Mike Li discuss at the Rally Community Call on April 2:

And this is just the beginning of the continued growth of the community rewards! Rally is excited to see how the new community rewards system continues to help fuel growth for both creators and their coin economies. For more information on the rewards system, check out our FAQs here or join our Discord community to be a part of the conversation in our #rewards-discussion channel.

