Ramadan 1445 AH — Day 21: Making Reconciliation

“The one who initiates reconciliation is not the one at fault.” — Sahih al-Bukhari

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Ramadan Musings
3 min readMar 31, 2024


Everyone reading this must have had a fallout with someone else at one point or the other in their life. It could be your spouse, colleague, friend, relative, — name it. It’s part of the process of coexistence as social beings, we can’t shy away from having disagreements. However, as Muslims, it's not worthy of you to keep malice or grudges against your brother. Every believer is regarded as a sibling, deserving of love, respect, and support.

For this reason, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ warns us about the severity of this ill action:

“Deeds are presented to Allah every Monday and Thursday, and Allah will forgive every slave who does not associate anything with Allah in worship, except for a person who is at odds with his brother. He shall say: ‘Leave these two until they are reconciled.’” — Muslim

The Sunnah of reconciliation is an integral aspect of Islamic teachings, emphasizing the importance of resolving conflicts and restoring harmony among individuals. In a world plagued by division and discord, it serves as a timeless prescription for healing fractured relationships and nurturing a culture of peaceful coexistence.

Allah tells us in the Qur’an:

The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allâh, that you may receive mercy — Qur’an 49[Al-Hujurat]10

In the context of this verse, reconciliation encompasses a multifaceted approach to conflict resolution. Here are a few things to consider during reconciliation:

  • It begins with having the fear of Allah which is a profound reverence that serves as a moral compass guiding believers towards righteous conduct.
  • It involves acknowledging grievances, extending forgiveness, and actively working toward restoring trust and goodwill among brethren.
  • It requires empathy and humility to set aside your ego and pride.
  • There has to be a sincere desire to seek common ground for the greater good.

Making reconciliation between people is one of the greatest acts of charity as reported by Allah’s Apostle ﷺ. One time, Abubakr and Bilaal had a disagreement which led to a fall out and Allah’s Apostle ﷺ made a reconciliation between them. When the news was conveyed to the prophet ﷺ that the people of Quba had fallout and hurled stones at each other, he ﷺ said: let’s go and reconcile between them.

And in another narration, he ﷺ said:

Shall I not inform you of an action that is greater than praying, fasting and giving charity? They said , ‘Yes!’ He ﷺ said: “reconciling between people”. — Ahmad

Abdullah ibn Umar — may Allah be pleased with him, also exemplified the Sunnah of reconciliation. Once, Abdullah passed by a man who had boycotted him due to a disagreement. Instead of harboring resentment, Abdullah greeted the man with a smile and extended his hand in reconciliation. Abdullah’s gesture deeply moved the man and immediately reconciled with him, illustrating the power of forgiveness and kindness in resolving conflicts.

Action Points

  1. Starting with yourself, promote this sunnah of reconciliation by amending with any Muslim whom you’ve had a fallout with.
  2. Also, make it a duty upon yourself to form a reconciliation team with others to help resolve disputes in your locality
  3. Ask Allah to soften the hearts of those in dispute, and pray that He accepts this humble effort from you.

That’s it for today, take action on this Daily Revival and if you missed yesterday’s episode, you can find it here. I ask Allah to make it easy for you and me. Amin!

Yaumul Ahad 21st Ramadan 1445 AH // Sunday 31st March 2024.



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Ramadan Musings

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.