Ramadan 1445 AH – Day 29: Solatul Kusuf — The Eclipse Prayer

So, when the sight shall be dazed. And the moon will be eclipsed. And the sun and moon will be joined together — Qur’an 75[Al-Qiyamah]:7–9

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Ramadan Musings
4 min readApr 8, 2024


By Allah’s mercy, there will be a solar eclipse today. This is a rare situation as it coincides with the blessed month of Ramadan. In the realm of Islamic worship, certain events hold profound significance, not only spiritually but also historically. And one such occasion is the eclipse prayer, known as Solatul Kusuf. The eclipse is a sign from Allah through which He makes His slaves afraid. It is from the sunnah to observe Solatul Kusuf whenever there is an eclipse. This is why it’s also important for us to revive this sunnah.

Eclipses have long captivated human beings with their awe-inspiring spectacle whether solar or lunar. In Islam, they are regarded as signs from Allah, as reminders of His power and majesty. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the significance of eclipses, urging believers to observe them and engage in worship during these celestial occurrences.

During the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, there occurred a notable solar eclipse that left a lasting impression on the Muslim community. It coincided with a time of immense grief and sorrow among the Muslims due to the death of the Prophet’s ﷺ infant child — Ibrahim. It was a moment of great concern and reflection for the companions, and some of them had thought that the eclipse occurred owing to this demise. Then Allah’s Apostle mentioned this hadith on the authority of Abu Masud al-Ansari in the saheehayn thus:

“The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allah through which Allah creates fear in His slaves. They do not become eclipsed for the death of any person. If you see anything happen to them, then pray and call upon Allah until you are relieved of that.”

How to pray the eclipse prayer

How the eclipse prayer is performed as indicated in the Hadith of `Aishah is as follows:

  • The worshipper recites the opening Takbir — Takbirat Al-Ihram and the opening supplication — Du`a Al-Istiftah, then he seeks refuge with Allah from the devil.
  • Then he recites Al-Fatihah, followed by a lengthy recitation.
  • Then he bows, making it lengthy.
  • Then he rises from bowing and says: Sami‘a Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa laka Al-hamd — Allah hears those who call upon him; our Lord, praise be to You.
  • Then he recites Al-Fatihah again, followed by another lengthy recitation but shorter than the first recitation.
  • Then he bows again, making it lengthy but shorter than the first time.
  • Then he rises from bowing and says: Sami‘a Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana wa laka Al-hamd, and stands for a long time.
  • Then he prostrates twice, making each prostration lengthy, and sits for a long time between the two prostrations.
  • Then he gets up for the second Rak`ah, and does the same as he did in the first Rak`ah, bowing twice and so on, but each action is not as long as in the first. Then he recites the Tashahhud and the Taslim. — Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah and Al-Majmu by An-Nawawi.

Derivable lessons from the eclipse occurrence

  1. Eclipse serves as a powerful reminder of Allah’s sovereignty and omnipotence.
  2. The eclipse prayer is a unique opportunity for spiritual reflection and repentance as it reinforces your commitment to righteousness and spiritual growth.
  3. Witnessing this celestial phenomenon reminds believers of the worldly affairs' transience and the Hereafter's inevitability.
  4. It prompts introspection and self-assessment, motivating individuals to seek forgiveness for their sins and strive for spiritual renewal.
  5. The Sunnah is to observe the eclipse prayer in congregation, fostering a sense of communal unity and solidarity among Muslims.

In conclusion, the eclipse prayer holds profound significance in Islam, embodying the timeless principles of faith, humility, and submission to the divine will of Allah. It serves as a tangible expression of devotion and reverence for Allah. In addition, it’s a reminder of the ephemeral nature of life in this world. As believers, let us embrace the opportunity afforded by eclipses to draw closer to our Creator and seek His mercy and guidance in all aspects of our lives.

PS: Update at 13:40 CST, we witnessed the solar eclipse in Texas. After watching, we prayed Dhur and observed the Solatul Kusuf. This is a short clip as captured with my camera.

Action Points

  1. If you witness the eclipse today, go to the masjid and join the congregation in observing this sunnah of Solatul Kusuf.
  2. Remind and encourage others to establish this sunnah, and you stand to get a share of the reward in sha Allah.
  3. Lastly, ask for Allah’s mercy, blessings, guidance, protection, and pardon.

That’s it for today, take action on this Daily Revival and if you missed yesterday’s episode, you can find it here. I ask Allah to make it easy for you and me. Amin!

Yaumul Ithnayn 29th Ramadan 1445 AH // Monday 8th April 2024.



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Ramadan Musings

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.