Go to Rambler Design
Rambler Design
Продуктовая дизайн-команда Рамблера
Note from the editor

Продуктовая дизайн-команда Рамблера

Go to the profile of Lena Liseeva
Lena Liseeva
Design Director at Rambler
Go to the profile of Evgeny Novazheyev
Evgeny Novazheyev
Lead UI/UX designer at Rambler Group
Go to the profile of Anatoly Terekhov
Anatoly Terekhov
Lead UI/UX Designer at Rambler Group
Go to the profile of Evgeny Novazheyev
Evgeny Novazheyev
Lead UI/UX designer at Rambler Group
Go to the profile of Andrey Kamenetskiy
Andrey Kamenetskiy
UI/UX designer at Rambler&Co