And Finally, A Bridge from the Crypto World to Paradise on Earth

Atul Agarwal
Published in
9 min readJan 17, 2018

Ranchi Mall Real Estate Blockchain Contract — Alam Puri Art Museum Resort and Spa, Penatih, Denpasar, Bali

“Bali is the ideal place to marry nature, culture and art with modern day computer based technology — the latest blockchain invention and, last but not least, create a place where the newly developed abundance of the crypto community, can be translated into a real world, customised and extraordinary experience.”

In January 2018, when I landed in Bali for the first time in my life at the age of 46, I was equipped with ample experience of both the challenges of modern business, and those of my own personal ambition. I didn’t expect this work trip to be any different than the status quo, in my field of real estate development, where I fly somewhere, survey the situation, negotiate contracts and do business as usual.

The drive from Denpasar Penatih Airport to Alam Puri Art Museum, Spa, Resort and Hotel took about an hour. The surprises began from the moment I exited the airport to walk toward the car that was waiting for me. The gate of the airport, designed in traditional Balinese architecture simply astounded me. I started to get the sense that this experience was going to be different than expected.

Uncharacteristically, I stopped, took out my phone and took a snap of the beautiful structure. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not much of a camera fan; I mean I don’t click many photos. But, the use of traditional material and finesse of execution of this beautiful structure caught my eye, and my heart. Getting this type of work executed in my world, construction and development in India, is a big challenge. Getting builders to use modern materials in India is easy but those with knowledge of traditional finishings are a rare breed. Sadly, we in India have forgotten our traditional construction techniques to the extent that we don’t even get good quality bricks like the ones I saw in Bali.

Gate at the Airport

During the drive from the airport to the resort, every shop I saw displayed unique art forms depicting Balinese cultural heritage. It was heartwarming.

The Balinese people are very welcoming. Their warmth and smiles certainly add to the wonderful reputation of Bali amongst the tourists upon which its economy depends. Amazing. Hats off to the Balinese people for achieving and maintaining what we in India, in our haste for economic development, have sadly forsaken.

My preparation for the trip was done in such haste that I didn’t even research the accommodation where I was going to stay. As I took in the sights on the one-hour drive from the airport, it occurred to me that I had no idea where the hotel airport shuttle was taking me. Two days before, when my friend, Rohit Tripathy, Founder of Ranchi Mall asked me to come to Bali. I simply dropped everything and came. Knowing Rohit, the latter day hippy and bohemian, I had no idea whether I was going to be bunking up in a hostel or luxuriating in the utmost opulence. With him everything is possible.

The busy road leading to the resort and the ancient walls of the art museum, visible from the street outside Alam Puri Art Museum Hotel and Spa, were interesting but didn’t give me a clue of the seclusion and tranquility of the place I was about to enter. After being warmly greeted at the reception, I was escorted through a second and smaller gateway, down a stone footpath to the villa. The first thing I noticed is that every direction I looked, held nature, traditional art and running water. Everywhere I turned, I could see fountains, waterways, lush jungle landscaping and ancient traditional statues of Hindu and tribal deities.

The four colleagues who had arrived before me were sitting in a calm and serene living room courtyard enjoying the sight and sound of a tempting wading pool-cum-fountain off to the left. Beautiful sculptures and paintings further added to the ambiance. Looking out on the horizon, I saw that the whole concept was on terraced gardens. Beyond that lush, tropical jungle with an abundance of lilies and orchids stretched out as far as the eye could see. Each villa on the property seems as if it is totally isolated. Each has its own design, view and separate entrance which is accessed by a stone and grass pathway going throughout the resort.

In the common living room, we had the choice of various sitting areas, including a luxurious red divan where I felt drawn to settle myself down, open my laptop and start work. The familiar silhouette of Rohit emerged from a room upstairs and we dove into a fast-paced and creative brainstorm on what we wanted to accomplish. Before I knew it, I became so engrossed in the creative and collaborative dialogue and so relaxed in the beautiful workspace, that my sense of pressure to get the business done and get back to India as quickly as possible, dissipated.

Admittedly, I’ve been a lifelong rebel and jump at every opportunity to take on new challenges. With this in mind, my teammates and designed the first Ranchi Mall Real Estate Blockchain Contract. In the informal and relaxed working environment of our villa, the idea for Bitcoin Paradise began to take shape. We defined the details of Bitcoin Paradise’s typology, landscape and the technologies we could use to create a sustainable living and working environment. I quickly appreciated how quickly the beautiful and peaceful environment opened up new avenues of creativity and productivity. Fortunately, my friend and colleague Margot was on site to help out with creative writing and I was able to write this and two other Medium articles.

Our next idea was to find a place in Bali where we could marry nature, culture and art with modern day computer based technology — the latest blockchain invention and, last but not least, create a place where the newly developed abundance of the crypto community can be translated into a real world, customised and extraordinary experience. The Alam Puri Art Museum Resort and Spa with its respect for Balinese tradition, art and nature became our target property for the project. In Balinese Alam means environment or nature and Puri means small town.

Spread over an area of 25 Acres in terrace format, the rooms and villas are distributed at various heights and locations using the distinct advantage of what nature had created. So by the use of contour interconnected by steps one reaches the room very efficiently.

Wood Carving in Gunarsa Villa

Alam Puri Art Museum Resort & Spa is a treat to the eyes. It is a refreshing change from the regular mundane glass and shiny material that we are so used to seeing in the spa and resort type accommodations across the hotel industry in India. This facility has in total 17 villas, a total of 20 rooms, in the name of the famous and noteworthy painters of Indonesia whose art adorns the walls. The art is all authentic and painted by Balinese artists such as Nyoman Gunarsa (whose work is housed in the Gunarsa Villa). The Ridi, Lempad, Bendi, Kamasan, Arka and other villas all house original paintings by the artists. In addition, each room and villa on the property has a unique design and style including traditional tribal art, modern art, a view of nature and sky, fountains and other sources of running water, wading pools with fountains, and traditional building materials such as bamboo, terra cotta floor tiles and marble. The swimming pool, again, set in nature and adorned with traditional sculptures of Hindu gods. The terrace restaurant overlooks the pool on one side and jungle and rice paddies, off in the distance, on the other.

Room overlooking the Swimming Pool

The spa is strategically located on one side so that it opens into the jungle and has no walls. I jumped at the opportunity and signed up for a treatment within hours of my arrival to take off the effects from my overnight flight. Dozing to the soothing sound of the flowing stream, I felt as if I were in the jungle.

The resort was designed by its owner Made Putrawan. With tremendous vision, sensitivity, creativity and passion Mr. Putrawan designed a space where running water in the form of fountains and streams, open space, nature, modern art, traditional art are experienced from every spot on the property. The resort’s ambiance is conducive to relaxation and creativity.

Eat, Pray, Enjoy, Relax & Create

On 1st February 2018, Ranchi Mall will be launching its Bitcoin Blockchain experiences at Ranchi Mall Blockchain Alam Puri Art Museum Resort and Spa.

All bondholders and their families are welcome to come, visit, savour, experience and learn about not Blockchain and Crypto technologies but also art, culture and everything Bali has to offer. The Bitcoin Blockchain Experience is custom designed for bondholders and their families. While the bondholders are nerding out on blockchain, and scouring the property to participate in the cryptocurrency treasure hunt, their families may take in a cooking class, go snorkeling, rafting, surfing or just enjoy the beach. In addition, one can go trekking at sunrise on Mount Batur, go on a bicycle tour, take yoga classes, enjoy the spa treatments the island is known for and visit the artisanal shops in nearby Ubud. There are, of course, special activities just for children and families to enjoy.

The blockchain is going to change the way the world works and executes contracts. Unlike traditional contracts, or even smart contracts, blockchain contracts do not require third party intervention for settlement, as the technology is conducive to creating trust between unknown parties. A Blockchain Contract is a tradable agreement recorded on a blockchain. Its valuation changes as per its performance. Its aim is to ensure successful execution of projects being tracked on the blockchain. It is a contract between the executor and the internet community. Each Blockchain Contract consists of its projects, objectives and milestones to be met, an opening valuation, a running valuation, an administrator and, a team working on the project. Contracts recorded on the blockchain cannot be tampered with and are therefore defined as being ‘trustless’.

Ranchi Mall uses FLO as the blockchain for recording contracts. Ranchi Mall is the executor of all Ranchi Mall Blockchain Contracts. Ranchi Mall is itself incorporated as a Blockchain Contract. The Real Estate Blockchain Contract involves all of the real estate projects of Ranchi Mall.

Milestones and Objectives

Ranchi Mall Blockchain Alam Puri Art Museum Resort and Spa

First Milestone: Sell 500 room nights and develop three winning packages which get 100 percent customer feedback satisfaction after 500 nights of experimentation.
Second Milestone: Bring 2000 users into Bali Project.
Third Milestone: Launch the packages and sell 10000 nights.
Fourth Milestone: To be decided after the first three milestones are met.

Starting Valuation

Bali Project: Initial Valutaion is 100 RMTs

Running Valuation

There will be >100% increase in the value of each of the projects once all the milestones are met. The running valuation will be updated periodically.


I am Atul Agarwal, the administrator of the Ranchi Mall Real Estate Blockchain contract.

I have been a travelling around the world wearing various hats sometimes a salesman sometimes corporate sometimes HR sometimes construction manager and most of the times as a tourist only. I missed the learning part except what I interacted with locals.

I started getting involved with Ranchi Mall in 2016 driven by an idea, which was iconoclastic and completely different. I could relate to it and the passion driving it on a deeply personal level. This inspired me to think of hitherto unknown possibilities within Ranchi, Jharkhand and abroad.


· Atul Agarwal’s Medium Post

· Rohit Tripathy’s Medium post Redesigning Ranchi Mall as A Blockchain Contracts only enterprise.

