My Favorite Chrome Extensions


Honey automatically checks the price of the Amazon products I’m looking at and shows a widget that confirms that this is the lowest price and provides additional information (price graph, receive notifications on price changes, …)

My 2017 Homescreen

I started the habit of sharing my Homescreen couple of years ago (2016, 2015), and this year I thought to end it. For a while now the organization of my homescreen does not mean as much as it used to. More often than not I will launch an app using the search interface. A simple swipe down +…

The 9 Podcasts I love (2017)

  1. a16z Podcast— Probably the technology podcast that covers the most diverse set of topics
  2. Greymatter — A great way to tap into Greylock portfolio events and listen to the awesome speakers they invite. Strong emphasis on growth

Twitter’s Daily Active Users (DAU)

After reading Snap’s S1 I wanted to compare it to Twitter so I listened to Twitter’s Q4 2016 earnings call.

My immediate reaction — Twitter do not want me to listen to the call.
The webcast is using flash :(
Given how easy it is to share audio…

My 2016 Homescreen

Couple of months ago my iPhone 6S Plus was stolen and I used the opportunity to switch to the 7 plus. It was an opportunity…

Walking Naked in San Francisco

On Friday while having coffee with a colleague at Equator someone wanted to ruin my day. In a process that took less than 2 minutes I’ve got my phone & wallet stolen:

  1. My coffee was spilled all over our table