Candlelight concludes. But the epic doesn’t.

Second story begins next week.

Random Tales Editors
Random Tales


2 min readAug 27, 2016


Hello fellow story lovers/tellers,

The first story on Random Tales, Candlelight, concluded this week. Apurva and I, Mohit, wrote on alternate days, weaving the story forward from where the other left the previous day. The experience was incredible and memorable for several reasons:

  • Writing without knowing what the partner writer might write next is thrilling.
  • We saw readership grow for the publication. We’re still tiny but every new follower gave us that goosebump-y feeling.
  • We grew not only on Medium but on Instagram too (Check us out at

We are happy to have finished one story on Random Tales. But we are even more delighted to write the next one. The next story, A Bride, begins on Monday.

New story will also bring in a new writer on Random Tales. Let me introduce him: Sahil. The new story will be penned down in the same format by him and me. As for Apurva, she will be back soon to author another story. Here’s a message from her to you all:

Storytelling is one of the most beautiful ways to let your inner most thoughts get heard by people. It is always great to see your thoughts getting liked and ‘recommended’ but more than that, what keeps you going is the satisfaction of writing your heart out in the most creative way you can.

Random Tales is one such effort from us to build a community where people tell their stories in the weirdest ways possible.

Keep reading. Keep recommending.

- Apurva Chawla

Until then, you’ve got a new story and a new pair of writers.

Want to write on Random Tales?

If you want to publish a story on Random Tales, you certainly can. With the new story, we are also opening applications for new pairs of writers. We’ve written a short guide below on how to apply:

> Write on Random Tales

This is all part of a story. Let’s create an epic.
Random Tales Editors

