What we’re reading

Writing, Millennials, and Diversity at Slack

Range Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Here’s some articles the Range team have enjoyed recently:

Writing is Thinking
There have been a lot of reactions to Bezos’ annual letter. In particular, we enjoyed Steven Sinofsky’s thread on the power of thinking through writing. At Range, we’ve found the process of writing to be incredibly valuable, and since the audience shapes the content we send a report to trusted friends and advisors every two weeks outlining a challenges, successes, and our latest thinking.

Older workers want the same things as millennials
You’ve probably heard people complaining about how millennials are entitled, but we’ve thought for a while that millennials represent the leading edge of a trend towards valuing humanity and autonomy in the workplace. This study by Culture Amp shows that the future is here: “regardless of age, workers want a job where they can develop personally and have confidence in leadership.”

How Slack Got Ahead in Diversity
This goes to show that the problem can be solved when approached systematically and when the team feels responsible for solving it. We hope to see these kinds of successes becoming more common.

And here are a couple of posts from the Range team:

We shape our software, thereafter it shapes us
Paraphrasing Churchill, Dan discusses how software forms a type of architecture that shapes our behavior, and the implications this has for workplace tools. (Originally published by Quartz at Work)

Photos from our team sailing trip
To celebrate our one year anniversary, we took a boat trip out on the San Francisco Bay.

More about Range
Our team at Range is obsessed with figuring out ways to help teams work better together. If you’d like to know more about what we’re building, you can read more at www.range.co.



Range Labs

Exploring how software can cultivate healthy, inclusive, and creative organizations.