Unlocking the Power of Passive Customers

Companies go to great lengths to attract new customers and retain loyal ones. However, there’s a hidden treasure trove of potential advocates that often goes overlooked: passive, neutral or satisfied customers.

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ratemyservice release notes
3 min readSep 28, 2023


The passive customer conundrum

Passive customers, often overlooked, can represent a significant portion of any company’s client base. They are content but not overly enthusiastic about your products or services. They may not actively promote your brand, but they are not dissatisfied either.

It’s a common misconception that these customers are inert and unresponsive, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When you transform passive customers into enthusiastic advocates, you tap into a powerful resource for organic growth and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Introducing passive alerts

Passive or neutral customers are far more likely to churn and switch to a competitor if they perceive a better value proposition. Companies that can quickly identify potential pain points and promptly address these concerns can help retain passives and prevent them from seeking alternatives.

We have added in a new feature to alert you when a customer has left a passive review for your brand. This feature can be enabled by modifying the ‘Alerts’ permissions within your core account settings under ‘Manage your team’.

Use sentiment analysis to better understand your passives

To truly harness the potential of passive customers, businesses need to delve deeper into their feelings and perceptions. Passive customers may not actively complain about their experiences, but sentiment analysis can uncover subtle hints of dissatisfaction or unmet needs. By identifying these pain points, businesses can proactively address them, turning passivity into enthusiasm.

Use the filters to help you zoom into analyses for passives or satisifed customers…
… and easily identify areas of dissatisfaction or unmet needs

Analysing the sentiment of passive, neutral, and satisfied customers can help you identify areas where products, services or the overall customer experience can be enhanced. By understanding what aspects of their offerings are lacking or need improvement, you can make informed decisions to address these issues and provide a better experience to your customers.

While attracting new customers and retaining loyal ones remains essential, an untapped potential for business growth often lies within the passive customer segment. By understanding the emotions and perceptions of passive customers, businesses can tailor their strategies to enhance customer experiences, foster brand advocacy, and secure their position in the marketplace.



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