Two Years of RAWG. What’s up?

Serge Ulankin
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2019

On Friday, we celebrated our second birthday and came out of beta! Today we are sober, and it is time to reflect on the journey so far. And to share some graphs crawling — or even spiking — up!


What is any website you visit every day but content? Rawgers have written thousands of reviews and collections over these two years.

We love collections, although the last big news about them was that we let you add videos and photos to them back in 2017. But we see that we can do so much with collections this year! Especially, with the new layout they got. These are my two all-time favorites:

Of course, there are tons more. Like this list of games that have interesting color schemes, or this list of games where you try to survive oppressive governments or corporations.

Reviews and ratings are something you want to see on any games website. And it is so cool we have something different from your usual stars or percents, and you love it! Especially after we launched the speed-rating carousel. 🎠


We want to connect gamers on all platforms so we let them connect all platforms to RAWG. Logical, right? We are glad we brought GOG synchronization this year and we already have plans which platform we should add next.

Our ambition was always loud and clear: we want to be the most complete games database in the world. We ramped up the database significantly by adding lots of retro games, mobiles, and indies from

What’s better than that? If something is still missing, you can now edit it.


This is where we finally come to talk about our community. 🤗 Not only all of them provide us with useful feedback and new feature ideas, but they actually help us build the database. Right now, the number of corrections made by the community of rawgers is way larger than the number of corrections our staff make. And it grows every month!

I am excited for another year at RAWG. Are you? Let’s make those graphs skyrocket! 🚀

