$RAZOR farms on Dfyn: Third Edition

Razor Network
Razor Network
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2021

360,000 $RAZOR + 15,000 $DFYN tokens in rewards

We are delighted to announce that Razor Network brings back two exciting farms on Polygon (Matic) powered AMM platform — Dfyn Network. Razor Network will participate in Ecosystem and Dual Farm with liquidity pairs $RAZOR-$ETH and $RAZOR-$DFYN, respectively.

Total farm rewards; 360,000 $RAZOR + 15K $DFYN tokens:

There is no TVL limit, and both the farms will run for 30 days from the announcement date.

If you are participating in the farms for the first time rest of this article will serve as a guide. We will walk you through from A to Z and have your farm producing yield in no time.

Overview of $RAZOR farms

$RAZOR-ETH (Ecosystem farm)

  • Start date: 9th November 2021
  • Lock-In: No
  • Duration: 30 days
  • Staking limit: No limit
  • Reward: 240,000 $RAZOR
  • Chain: Polygon
  • Exchange: Dfyn DEX

$RAZOR-DFYN (Dual farm)

  • Start date: 9th November 2021
  • Lock-In: No
  • Duration: 30 days
  • Staking limit: No limit
  • Reward: 120,000 $RAZOR, 15,000 $DFYN
  • Chain: Polygon
  • Exchange: Dfyn DEX

$RAZOR token address on Matic: 0xC91c06DB0f7bFFba61e2A5645CC15686F0a8c828

How to participate

Step one, adding Polygon chain to your wallet and moving your $RAZOR from Ethereum chain to Polygon chain. You can find a step-by-step guide to performing this step in our previous announcement here 👉🏻 <link>

Step two,

Select the farm you would like to participate in, stake your assets and sit back and see your farm grow!


Navigate to Dfyn decentralized exchange <https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/swap>

Click on “Farms,” choose “Ecosystem Farms” from the dropdown menu and search RAZOR. You should see the farming pool depicted in the screenshot below:

Click on “Deposit” following screen should appear.

Click on “Add RAZOR-ETH liquidity” choose the amount of liquidity you would like to provide

After deciding the amount, hit “Supply” and sign the transaction. You have finally created DFYN LP Token, you should see the available DFYN LP tokens

Click on “Deposit DFYN LP Tokens” to approve and sign the transaction. Next, click on “Deposit” Once it is completed you should see the following window:

You are all done! Sit back and see your farm grow.


Navigate to Dfyn decentralized exchange <https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/swap>

Click on “Farms” choose “Dual Farms” from the dropdown menu and search RAZOR. You should see the $RAZOR-$DFYN farming pool. Follow the steps mentioned above for the ecosystem farm and enjoy triple-digit APYs on your $RAZOR.

About Razor Network

Razor Network is a truly decentralized Oracle platform for Decentralized Finance. We are working on next-gen oracle systems. Razor Network is a blockchain agnostic decentralized oracle network focusing on Maximum game-theoretical security, complete decentralization, and being fully permissionless. Razor network uses a sliding court mechanism where any result of the oracle can be disputed iteratively. This can thwart any attack that can happen on the Oracle. Razor achieves this while still being fast and practical for Decentralized Finance.

Do not forget to check out our October 2021 development zeitgeist. Stay tuned to our official social media handles to be up-to-date with the latest news from the land of Razor Network.

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