We end where we began: at the F5J competition on August 23rd, 2001 at the AMA Soaring Nats held in Muncie, Indiana. Here Wally Adasczik launches during F5J competition. (image: Matt Ruddick, ©2021 The Academy of Model Aeronautics, used here with their permission and with our thanks.)

The Trailing Edge

What else do you want to accomplish in 2021? Whatever it is, you had better get busy.


With 2020 being what it was, many people resolved that 2021 was going to be the year when all the ills of the turbulent, recent past were put to rest and we would all start with a fresh, clean slate. We certainly thought that way and it was with that cheery idea in mind we launched our first issue of the NEW RC Soaring Digest way, way, way back in January of this year. It seems like ten years ago. Candidly, we simply cannot believe that we’re now at the end of our ninth issue which means that 2021 is already three-quarters over. Wow, all the things we intended to do that remain steadfastly and stubbornly on the to-do list — are we still going to be able to accomplish them? If we are, we had better get busy getting busy or we’ll be carrying at least some of that baggage into 2022. Perish the thought.

Then again, we are pretty pleased as to what has been accomplished in 2021, particularly when there is enough of it left that there really is some opportunity to put a few more dents in the universe. Our Managing Editor rolled out a couple of interesting facts in his In The Air editorial. Thousands of readers scattered across 93 countries around the globe is really nothing to sneeze at. But before we get a bit too tipsy celebrating our success, we must once again acknowledge — and be thankful for — the running start we had, what with a great email list, a robust followership on Facebook and the goodwill of the legacy RCSD of Bill and Bunny Kuhlman. However, we think we can at least take credit for not squandering the opportunity — not yet, anyway.

For our part in 2021, we would still like to get the ball rolling toward RCSD’s financial sustainability. There is an opportunity for you to help out in that regard: we have new merch in the store (see below) and have new products in the works all the time. We would also like to launch the Friends of RCSD program. This is where corporations which have aligned interests with the RCSD readership provide longer term financial support with the objective of keeping RCSD free. Forever. If you know of such a company, or maybe even own or work for one, which fits this profile we would be thrilled if you would get in touch. Thanks, in anticipation, for your help with this.

Of course, we hope we continue to bring you the very best articles that will both enlighten and entertain. Once again, we need your help with this. Have a great story idea? We want to hear from you! Your next opportunity to have your magnum opus appear in our pages is coming up very quickly. The deadline for the October issue is 2021–10–03. Based on the head-spinning speed at which 2021 is going by so far, that date will be here in less time than it takes the guy behind you to beep the horn when the light turns green. Okay, maybe not quite that fast. But really, really fast.

New in the Store

Just out, this is the May edition of the quickly-becoming-very-collectible RCSD Cover Photo T-Shirt. It features a gorgeous photo by Laurent Ducros — who also provided the picture and video for this month’s In The Air. Laurent took the May cover photo at Ménez-Hom in the Brittany region of northwest France on May 13th, 2021. The aircraft is a Polish Mucha design which was built by pilot Quentin Philippe and his father Paul. Or, if you prefer, you can order the January, February, March and/or April editions of the RCSD Cover Photo T-Shirt in the Store.

Note that the RCSD Store is gradually swinging its manufacturing over to a new partner who maintains production in a number of locations around the world. That means lower shipping costs and faster delivery while maintaining the same high quality of the end product. We ship worldwide.

By the way, if you’re super keen to be the first to add June, July, August or this month’s edition of the RCSD Cover Photo T-Shirt to your collection, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll make sure there is one in the store on a very tight turnaround. Not a big fan of black t-shirts? We can fix that, too: just let us know what colour you prefer and we’ll put one in the store especially for you.

Make Sure You Don’t Miss the Next Issue

If you want to be absolutely sure you don’t miss the October issue of the NEW R/C Soaring Digest make sure you subscribe to our Groups.io mailing list or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.

That’s it for this month. Thanks to all of our contributors in this issue and above all, thank you, the RCSD reader for making us a part of your day.

Now get out there and fly!


Read the previous article or go to the table of contents. A PDF version of this article, or the entire issue, is available upon request.

