A magnificent sunset photo of a 1/4-scale Rhönbussard taken at Oltingen, Switzerland by Andreas Skaletzka. Use of this photo facilitated by the tireless efforts of Peter Simon, the owner and pilot of this gorgeous aircraft. Read more about it’s fascinating provenance below.

The Trailing Edge

Wrapping up the impromptu ‘Memories’ issue and turning once again to the future.


No sooner than it got under way, the August issue is now over. We hope you enjoyed our informal trip down memory lane and, once again, we encourage you to record your own memories along these same lines and have them featured in a future issue of RCSD. Thank you, so much, to all those who contributed such great stories. We simply could not do this without you. Finally thank you, the reader, for eagerly gobbling up each issue that we somehow manage to cobble together each month.

As you likely know by now, The Trailing Edge is where we feature just one photo each month that captures that wonderful, end-of-day feeling when all is well with the world. Even if we do say so, we think we have outdone ourselves this month, which features Peter Simon’s gorgeous Rhönbussard at sunset overlooking Oltingen, Switzerland. The beautiful photo was taken by Andreas Skaletzka.

When asked about the aircraft, Peter provided a most intriguing answer: the builder was ‘unknown’. The same was the case for the year of construction: also ‘unknown’. Then all became clear when Peter said ‘it was found in a barn in Bern, Switzerland in 2014’. Peter — who started flying models at 12 and continuously for the 44 years since then — brought the Rhönbussard back to life through what was an undoubtedly a very challenging project. But now it once again flies beautifully. This is such as fascinating project, Peter, and we really hope that you’ll take the time to tell the whole story in the pages of RCSD at some point.

Thanks to both Andreas and Peter for enabling us to use this beautiful photo.

In The Store

This is the April edition of the becoming-more-famous-by-the-day and very collectible RCSD Cover Photo T-Shirt. It features Pierre Rondel (who again provided the cover this month) launching his Shinto at the Col des Faïsses in the French Alps. Or you can get the January, February and/or March editions if you prefer. All proceeds go to keeping RCSD forever free. We ship worldwide.

Of course, readers will notice that we have at least four additional issues for which there is not yet a Cover Photo T-Shirt. That’s nothing more than having too much on the go and not enough time to get through it all. But if you’re super keen to be the first to add the May, June, July or August Cover Photo T-Shirts to your collection, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll make sure there is one in the store on a very tight turnaround.

Another Way to Support RCSD

Trying to recruit talent for your electric aviation startup, green tech or even RC soaring-related company? There’s no better audience for your onboarding message than RCSD readers. We’re putting together our Friends of RCSD program that will help you promote your brand in a positive way and also help support your favourite RC soaring journal. If you feel it might be for you please get in touch.

Don’t Want to Miss Future Issues of RCSD?

If you don’t want to miss the September issue when it comes out, please subscribe to our mailing list. Also, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for even more complementary content.

So how did we do? Let us know your thoughts. Thank you all so much for reading and until next time…fair winds and blue skies!

©2021 The NEW R/C Soaring Digest

Read the previous article or go to the table of contents. A PDF version of this article, or the entire issue, is available upon request.

