Stretching the day into evening with a flight over the Bristol Channel on Lundy Island in the UK. (image: Mike Shellim)

The Trailing Edge

Wrapping up March and looking forward to April.


Mike Shellim, who provided the enigmatic shot for our Events page, also kindly provided this month’s beautiful image for The Trailing Edge. Mike writes: “Lundy is a tiny island in the Bristol Channel with a beautifully rugged landscape. It’s ideal for cliff soaring, and the annual expedition there has become something of a tradition amongst keen slopers here. No motor vehicles may be taken across, and it has a single tavern called the Marisco which becomes the centre of life after nightfall. The pilots in the photo are Jack Cubitt (left) and Andrzej Tabero.”

So that’s another for our bucket list — how about yours? Thanks so much for that, Mike.

We also want to humbly thank all the contributors to this month’s issue: more so than we can possibly say, this publication would not exist without your efforts. For readers, please don’t forget to add a few Claps for those stories you really enjoyed. Also, Responses are a great way to interact with the authors to offer your encouragement and ask questions about the story. Reader engagement is the holy grail for writers so please…engage away! And please consider contributing a story of your own. The April deadline is 2021–04–18.

We mentioned our Events page above and we should have added that we welcome new events being added. Just send us your details and we’ll make sure your listing goes up promptly. We support new listings with our social platforms, so it will really help get the word out.

If you really appreciate and enjoy the high quality reading experience for which we strive each month, consider supporting RCSD through a purchase at our still-rough-around-the-edges store. We have RCSD Cover Photo T-Shirts for both January and February on sale now. All proceeds support the operating costs of RCSD.

In the near future we also hope to roll out our Corporate Sponsor program. This is intended to provide a platform for quality, relevant vendors to support RCSD over the longer term while getting their message out in a unique, effective and tasteful way. If you feel Corporate Sponsorship might be a fit for you, please get in touch and we can chat how about we might be able to help.

If you don’t want to miss the April issue when it comes out, please subscribe to our mailing list. Also, follow us on Instagram and Twitter for even more complementary content.

That’s it for now — how did we do? Let us know your thoughts. Thank you all so much for reading and until next time…fair winds and blue skies!

©2021 The NEW R/C Soaring Digest

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