八分鐘講完殘載與彈性(短片版)/ Residual Load and Flexibility in 8 Minutes (with a Short Film!)

關於新電力系統的基本認識/ Basics You Need to Know about the New Power System

Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest
4 min readJul 23, 2018


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So I made a short film to introduce the basic concepts of residual load and flexibility, the two main concepts one needs to know to understand how the power system works in the 21st century. Help spread and support my works if you really like them.

During the making of the film, I revisited many materials. This Fraunhofer report on residual load in 2009 is perhaps the most interesting.

那時,德國國內正在激辯「基載」是否必要,而核能是否能和再生能源良好搭配(Craig Morris 之前針對這段歷史作了詳足介紹)。
Back then, the Germans were in a debate whether "baseload" was necessary and whether nuclear can coexist with renewables well (Craig Morris had a detailed depiction on this topic).

The Fraunhofer report gave the renewable supporters a new insight. It was perhaps the very first report to introduce the concept of residual load, and made clear that renewables need flexible complement in the power system, which is anything but baseload.

殘載之定義。Definition of residual load.

More interesting, the report actually predicted what would happen in the future. More than needed baseload power plants have managed to remain online partly due to export/import and pump storage systems. They provided the flexibility which otherwise would have to be achieved by increasing the capacity share of flexibility conventional power plants.

根據Fraunhofer在2009年的報告,進出口和抽蓄讓「基載型電廠」在電力系統的最適配比得以保持近半。沒有這些措施下,德國2020年的基載型電廠理論上會只剩下不到30%。According to the 2009 report from Fraunhofer, export/import + pump storage will keep “baseload power plants” to nearly half of the conventional fleet. Without them, “baseload power plants” should constitute no more than 30% of the conventional fleet by 2020.

(I want to kindly remind energy transition skeptics: this graph shows that claiming “Germany needs its neighbor so it can run its indispensable baseload” is simply putting the cart before the horse.)

It has been almost ten years; few energy experts in Germany now argue about the notion of residual load and the need for more flexibility in the power system.

The system is of course far from perfect; because of abundant trading with neighbor nations, the brown coal and nuclear power plants get to produce more than enough electricity, as Fraunhofer predicted. But at least the discussion and the focus of the industries are now on the right track, the track towards an energy system powered predominately with renewables.

德國目前的褐煤電廠和核能電廠大約在30GW左右,仍比上圖「有進出口/抽蓄」情境下之最適配比略多。Currently Germany has 30 GW of brown coal and nuclear, which is still more than what the “import/export + pump storage” scenario has predicted.

The focus among the energy community might already seem to change abruptly in the last decade. But if we go back ten years earlier from 2009, the transition of the discussion was more surprising:


We were once afraid of what would happen when wind energy generation reached 5% of the total consumption. We then worried about approaching 10%-would the system be able to cope? Some years later, we said that 20% had to be the absolute limit! However, in 2016, Danish wind turbines produced more than the total electricity consumption for 317h of the year, and we barely give this any thought.

~Peter Jørgensen, Vice President Associated Activities, Energinet.dk

法國能源專家Thibault Laconde曾在一篇極佳的文章中指出德國能源轉型對於全球能源轉型進城的貢獻:
French energy expert Thibault Laconde once wrote an excellent article of the contribution of Energiewende to the global energy transition:


It seems to me, however, that we could agree on at least one merit of the German energy transition: it has opened the way. When I was a student at Supélec we learned that no electricity network could support more than 2% intermittent energy. Ten years later, solar and wind power represent almost a third (note) of the German electricity mix, sometimes with incursions up to 80% …

Note: One fourth might be a more accurate figure right now. But this matters little to what he is trying to say.

And it still is opening the way. Today when some energy transition skeptics challenge us with primitive questions like “what would happen if all the offshore wind turbines in Taiwan lose all of their power in half an hour?” or repeat the baseload fallacy again and again in Taiwan, I would always think of the 1999 and 2009 energy discussions in Germany, among other similar debates going on right now.

一位台灣的能源轉型懷疑論者告訴我們如果半小時內全台風能機群電力輸出從100%降到0%將發生超級大停電,卻沒有如德國人般提出能夠佐證的風場空間相關性分析。A Taiwanese skeptic telling us how a catastrophic blackout would occur if all the wind turbines in Taiwan go from 100% power output to zero in half an hour, but gives no valid spatial correlation analysis of wind field in Taiwan such as the one the Germans did to support such claim. Source
一位台灣的能源轉型懷疑論者告訴我們丹麥仰賴外國核能比仰賴自己國內風能更甚,卻沒有如丹麥人般提出能夠佐證的電力組成分析。A Taiwanese skeptic telling us the Danish rely more foreign nuclear than its domestic wind power fleet, without giving any statistic analysis such as the one Energinet did.
澳洲懷疑論者則持續豪洨德國如何依賴法國之核電。我們以前已經指出,事實恐怕恰好相反。Australia skeptics also rant about how Germany depends on France’s nuclear. As we have shown before, the opposite might be more accurate.

I came to realize that, even though throughout the world, the lines of the skeptics have always been (and will always be) the same, no place in the world have those skeptics really managed to stop the transition towards renewables
. Never. Ever.

So it is okay to be annoyed whenever we encounter another Mr. Catcha.

Original Source

However, we should always take a step back and see how much has been done since the very first modern wind turbines and solar panels were developed. That will give us hope and strength to fight our last battle with the skeptics before settling the course of Taiwan’s energy policy once and for all.

We must support initiatives that promotes ultimate divestment and 100% renewables. This is the only way to fight climate change while giving energy democracy to the people. TINA.



Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest

A Taiwanese student who studied Renewable Energy in Freiburg. Now studying smart distribution grids / energy systems in Trondheim. He / him.