5 Things I Learned from Medium Gurus Within a Month for Easier Growth & Monetization

Let’s Grow Together

James D Kidiga
Read or Die!
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

I wrote in one of my previous articles about joining Medium a long time ago, but didn't come back until February this year;

So I after I came back, I considered myself a newbie because I didn't do anything on this platform before.

In just a month on Medium, I’ve learnt valuable lessons that continue to propel my growth on this diverse writing platform.

Let’s see some essentials that can elevate our Medium experiences and contribute to personal and professional development;

1. Creating Quality and Valuable Content

Your journey on Medium begins with the quality of the content you provide. You need to focus on creating articles that provide genuine value to the audience.

Dive deep into your chosen topics, share personal insights, and strive for clarity in your writing. And remember, quality content is the cornerstone of this Medium presence.

2. Originality Matters

You need to resist the temptation to copy and paste content from others. Get to know that authenticity sets you apart on Medium. You have to develop your unique voice, perspective, and writing style.

Readers are drawn to fresh, original ideas, and are attracted to creators who contribute genuinely unique content.

3. Balancing Use of AI in your Content

While AI can be a useful tool, but don't rely too heavily on it. Just strike a balance by infusing your writing with a personal touch.

Also engage with your audience by sharing your experiences, anecdotes, and opinions. A mix of human creativity and a little AI assistance can amplify the impact of your articles.

But sometimes you can try to stay away from AI for a while in order to build your own authenticity, grow even stronger and be able to think out of the box. Develop ideas of your own by integrating experiences from other writers on Medium. Don't get obsessed with AI.

4. Engaging with Fellow Writers

It is obvious that Medium is a community, not just a publishing platform. Try your best to invest time in reading and commenting on articles by other writers.

Meaningful engagement fosters connections, expands your network, and often leads to reciprocal interactions. Thus, building relationships within the community enhances your visibility and broadens your perspective.

5. Writing on Publications

Writing for publications can significantly boost your visibility on Medium. So seek out relevant publications in your niche, request to join and submit your articles.

This is because publications often have a broader readership, offering exposure to a wider audience. This strategic move can fast-track your journey towards becoming a recognized writer on Medium.

There’re multiple publications on this platform including; Read or Die, Short. Sweet. Valuable , Write A Catalyst , ILLUMINATION, Word Garden, Ditch the Grind, Wake. Write. Win, The Pub, and many more.

And before I forget; avoid boring your readers with lengthy paragraphs; instead, break them into smaller segments to maintain reader interest and prevent quick abandonment. And try to put your story in a storytelling style.

I’d like to appreciate all prominent writers here for their support because they make us grow.

Please add other lessons you came across with, that have helped you in one way or another.



James D Kidiga
Read or Die!

An education professional and digital lad striving toward Career Growth, Innovation, Digital Literacy, Leadership, and Personal Development.