Dev Cries: Part 2

Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2024

The Reality that he never thought of…

If You haven’t read part 1 of this beautiful story, please find it here.

I am sure you’ll enjoy it.

Dev meets

“It has been a while,” Dev says,

“Yes, indeed.” Raj agrees,

“How are you? How is Devi?”, Dev checks,

“I am fine,just coming from visiting my sister,” smiles Raj,

“Oh, nice. I wanted to come visit her,you know,as a friend,” explains Dev.

“I know, She did not want to see you,right?”,

“My father told me,” clarifies Raj.

(They sit down at the cafeteria facing each other, finding that neither has changed a bit but also a lot at the same time.)

“I always wanted to meet you again,”

“Here I am,right after my studies abroad,” smiles Raj.

“Is there a particular reason?,” inquires Dev,

“Are you done for the day?,”

“I am hoping you would like to meet my sister again,” explains Raj.

Dev sees

“Sure, Why not?”,

“It sure feels nostalgic thinking about old days,” laughs Dev,gently.

“We’re here,” Raj steps out.

“What? I don’t see any houses here,” confuses Dev,

“She’s right here.”

Points to a graveyard right in front of them.

“What are you talking about?” asks Dev,

Fear gripping his heart,Dev walks,

Photo by zameel hz on Unsplash



A wonderful daughter,

An amazing sister,

A kind friend,

A beautiful soul,

May you rest in peace.

“She wanted me to give this to you,” hands Raj,

an envelope to Dev.

What was in the envelope?

Is it a Letter or some belongings?

Some shared memories, perhaps?

What’s going on through Dev’s mind?

Sorrow? Guilt? Or Maybe, even FEAR??

Find out in the last and final part of Dev Cries…

Thanks For Reading.

Please let me know in the comments what you think of the story.

And what you think is going on through Dev’s mind right now.



Read or Die!

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